Small Wars Journal

Latest Attack on U.S. Forces in Iraq Could Drag It Back Into Washington’s Tussle With Iran

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 1:50pm

Latest Attack on U.S. Forces in Iraq Could Drag It Back Into Washington’s Tussle With Iran by Isabel Coles - Wall Street Journal

The killing of two American troops and a British soldier in a rocket attack in Iraq has drawn fresh attention to the hostile environment facing U.S. forces in the country, putting it again in the crosshairs of a potential flare-up in the rumbling conflict between Washington and Iran.

The U.S. has blamed similar attacks in the past on pro-Tehran militias, including Kataib Hezbollah, which congratulated the perpetrators behind the latest strike on Wednesday for targeting what it called the “U.S. occupation.” The group said the U.S. must bear the consequences of being in Iraq, and urged other militias to stage further attacks.

Iraqi’s military said Thursday it had opened an investigation to track down who had fired a barrage of rockets into Camp Taji, where U.S. forces are stationed.

The strike is a further setback in an already rocky relationship between Washington and Baghdad, and is the 13th such strike since the start of the year, including attacks on the U.S. Embassy

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U.S. Potential Target for Malicious Actors, ASD Rapuano Tells Congress

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 1:37pm

U.S. Potential Target for Malicious Actors, ASD Rapuano Tells Congress

Jim Garamone – DoD News

The United States is no longer a sanctuary, but a target, Kenneth Rapuano, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, told the House Armed Services Committee in Washington today.

During World War II, the United States became the arsenal of democracy, in part because it was not touched by Axis bombing campaigns. Today, the United States is in range of the capabilities of those who would do us harm. 

"The homeland is a target in a complex global security environment," Rapuano said. 

The main threats emanate from China and Russia, who use malign influence against the United States, its allies and partners to undermine regional security, he said. 

China and Russia do not want armed conflict with the United States. Such a conflict would be devastating to all. But the two nations seek to erode American capabilities, alliances and —  most important —  the American will. The nations seek capabilities to win below the threshold of armed conflict to erode our national security and prosperity, Rapuano said. "They are attempting to undermine democratic governance, the rule of law, market-driven economies and compliance with international rules and norms."

China and Russia have studied the American way of war and they will aim their actions where the U.S. is most vulnerable. "We must anticipate multi-dimensional attacks on land, in the air, at sea, in space and in cyberspace, targeted not just against our military forces, but against our critical infrastructure and our population," he said. "Indeed, our way of life at home and abroad."

China's arsenal includes anti-satellite capabilities and advanced missile systems. China has tested hypersonic glide vehicles, and they have built islands in the South China Sea to close sea lanes of communication.

Russia poses different challenges, but it is also developing anti-satellite capabilities, advanced missiles, hypersonic glide vehicles and advanced cyber capabilities.

Both nations are also seeking influence around the world to undermine America's system of alliances. In the Western Hemisphere both prop up the Maduro regime in Venezuela, and they provide economic aid solely to make nations beholden, Rapuano said. 

China and Russia both strive to break the U.S. dominance in space. "The U.S. is responding to this threat by transforming our space enterprise and working closely with our allies and partners," he said. “The President's budget requests provides $18 billion for space programs, including $111 million to support the establishment of the new military service."

But the area of most contention is in the cyber domain. Attribution of cyber attacks is difficult, and the attacks do damage in the real world. DOD is examining defensive and offensive capabilities to deter these attacks or make a perpetrator pay if deterrence doesn't work.

DOD will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure defense. "The Department of Defense takes a global view of the challenges facing the nation, we continue to improve our ability to defend the U.S. homeland in all domains and develop capabilities to defend the nation's interests globally," Rapuano said.