Small Wars Journal

Top Marine Says Light Armored Reconnaissance is Outmoded on Future Battlefield

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 3:27pm

Top Marine Says Light Armored Reconnaissance is Outmoded on Future Battlefield by Shawn Snow – Marine Corps Times

The top Marine told reporters Wednesday that current layout and organization of the Corps’ Light Armored Reconnaissance units were better equipped to handle another conflict in the Middle East instead of rising near-peer rivals.

The comments from the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger come as the Corps announced it was axing all of its tank battalions as part of an effort to modernized and redesign the force to contend with more sophisticated enemy forces.

Light Armored Reconnaissance today is built great for another Desert Shield, Desert Storm,” Berger said Wednesday. “I don’t see that likelihood as being very great.”…

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Trump Warns Iran Will Pay a ‘Very Heavy Price’ if its Forces or Proxies Attack U.S. Troops

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 3:11pm

Trump Warns Iran Will Pay a ‘Very Heavy Price’ if its Forces or Proxies Attack U.S. Troops by Shawn Snow – Military Times

President Donald Trump warned Iran in a tweet Wednesday that it would pay a “very heavy price” if its forces or militias attacked U.S. troops.

Trump hinted the U.S. may have information that Iran and its proxies may be planning a “sneak attack” on U.S. troops in Iraq.

“Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!,” Trump tweeted Wednesday...

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