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Greater Middle East

Ukraine Special Operations Forces and the Lessons Learned for Large-Scale Combat Operations Image

Ukraine Special Operations Forces and the Lessons Learned for Large-Scale Combat Operations

01.31.2025 at 06:00am

How Would Iranian Nuclear Forces Be Deployed?

01.30.2025 at 06:00am

Special Forces Mission & Mindset: Reclaiming Unconventional Warfare in the Renewed Age of Irregular Conflict

01.23.2025 at 06:00am

Machiavelli and our Wars in the Middle East

01.13.2025 at 06:00am

How ISIS May Respond to HTS’s Takeover: Rivalries, Strategy, and Future Challenges in Syria

01.08.2025 at 06:00am

Turning West, Across the Gulf of Aden: The Houthis and al-Shabaab

12.05.2024 at 06:01am

Beyond Retribution: Unveiling Al Qaeda’s Strategic Power Logic for 9/11

11.28.2024 at 06:01am

Learning From Khomeini—Leadership, Coalitions, and Defeating the Instruments of Repression

01.14.2023 at 08:49pm

To Retake Cities, Iraq Turns to Sunni Tribes

01.31.2014 at 11:01am

The Application of Federalism in Overseas Stability Operations

01.31.2014 at 03:01am

Officials Question Obama Administration’s Rebalance to Asia

01.29.2014 at 02:07am

No Place to Hide

03.31.2009 at 07:31am