Small Wars Journal

El Centro

New Documentary on 2004 Madrid 11M Train Attacks Released

Fri, 02/25/2022 - 8:17pm

New Documentary on 2004 Madrid 11M Train Attacks Released

A new Netflix (@netflix) documentary, 11M: Terror in Madrid has been released. The 1h 32m documentary recounts the experience of survivors and insiders affected by the 11 March 2004 (3/11 or 11M) co-ordinated bombings on Madrid's commuter rail system immediately killing 191 persons and injuring over 1,800.  


The film draws upon the book Al-Qaeda's Revenge: The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings by noted terrorism scholar Fernando Reinares (@F_Reinares) of the Real Instituto Elcano and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. The book was reviewed here at Small Wars Journal in July 2017. 


11M: Terror in Madrid. Directed by José Gómez. Netflix. 23 February 2022. 

Fernando Reinares, Al-Qaeda’s Revenge: The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings, with a foreword by Bruce Riedel.  Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; New York: Columbia University Press, January 2017.

John P. Sullivan, "Book Review - “Al-Qaeda’s Revenge: The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings.” Small Wars Journal. 6 July 2017. 

Mexican Cartel Strategic Note No. 34: Anti-Vehicle Mine Targeting SEDENA Convoy between Tepalcatepec and Aguililla, Michoacán

Wed, 02/16/2022 - 3:05pm
On Monday, 31 January 2022 at approximately 1030 hours (10:30 am) a Mexican Army (SEDENA) convoy travelling on a dirt road in a remote area near Apatzingán drove over a landmine. The vehicle was reportedly a ‘SandCat’ light armored vehicle (LAV). At least one, and up to four or more soldiers were said to be injured. The area where the incident occurred is reportedly in territory contested by the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) and the Cárteles Unidos (CU).

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“Steel Wall” to Steel Bars: Historical Context for “Operation Lone Star”

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 11:04pm
This essay contextualizes “Operation Lone Star” and the detention of migrants in Texas state prisons within the longer history of Texas border policing which parallel and sometimes exceed federal policing efforts. In particular, this essay examines the Texas state government’s border policing efforts and considers the way state forces have attempted to police the US-Mexico border and place those it apprehends in state prisons. Furthermore, it argues that surges in state border policing stem from 1) the perception of federal inaction and 2) the perceived benefits that state representatives gain among their constituents for such efforts.

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SWJ El Centro Book Review – Los servicios de inteligencia en México, ayer y hoy

Sat, 02/05/2022 - 4:34pm
Review of "Los servicios de inteligencia en México, ayer y hoy [The Mexican Intelligence Services, Yesterday and Today]" in English. This review examines the history and development of the Mexican intelligence services to provide a baseline for understanding contemporary intelligence challenges in Mexico.

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SWJ El Centro Reseña del libro – Los servicios de inteligencia en México, ayer y hoy

Sat, 02/05/2022 - 4:28pm
Review of "Los servicios de inteligencia en México, ayer y hoy [The Mexican Intelligence Services, Yesterday and Today]" in Spanish. Esta revisión examina la historia y el desarrollo de los servicios de inteligencia mexicanos con el fin de proporcionar una base para entender los desafíos contemporáneos de la inteligencia en México.

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SWJ El Centro Reseña del libro – Democracy and Security in Latin America: State Capacity and Governance under Stress

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 4:45pm
SWJ-El Centro Fellow Pablo A. Baisotti revisa “Democracy and Security in Latin America: State Capacity and Governance under Stress [Democracia y seguridad en América Latina: La capacidad del Estado y la gobernanza bajo presión]” en español. El texto analiza la capacidad del Estado democrático en América Latina para proveer efectivamente la seguridad pública y la defensa nacional, temas históricamente fundamentales en la región. El libro consiste en una colección de trabajos académicos y aborda la naturaleza y el alcance de la gobernabilidad del Estado en América Latina y la estrecha relación entre seguridad y democracia (especialmente en tiempos de pandemia). Presenta y profundiza en los retos de la gobernanza y de algunas instituciones estatales clave como la policía, los tribunales, las fuerzas armadas y el sistema penitenciario. Para ello, los autores de esta obra analizan las distintas cuestiones desde un enfoque interdisciplinar (histórico, político, económico, militar, entre otros).

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SWJ El Centro Book Review – Democracy and Security in Latin America: State Capacity and Governance under Stress

Wed, 02/02/2022 - 4:01pm
SWJ-El Centro Fellow Pablo A. Baisotti reviews “Democracy and Security in Latin America: State Capacity and Governance under Stress.” The text analyzes the capacity of the democratic state in Latin America to effectively provide public security and national defense, historically fundamental issues in the region. The book consists of a collection of academic papers and addresses the nature and scope of state governance in Latin America and the close relationship between security and democracy (especially in times of pandemic). It presents and elaborates on the challenges to governance and some key state institutions such as the police, the courts, the armed forces, and the penitentiary system. To this end, the authors of this work analyzed the various issues from an interdisciplinary approach (historical, political, economic, military, among others).

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Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 46: Los Angeles Strike Force Investigation into Alleged Weapons Trafficking Organization Providing Weapons and Ammunition to the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG)

Mon, 01/31/2022 - 3:24pm
A Federal Grand Jury in Los Angeles named six defendants in a weapon smuggling organization in a 23-count indictment alleging that the cell conspired to violate federal export laws to provide weapons and ammunition to Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) operatives in Mexico. The indictment charged six individuals and asserts that they are members of a group known as the Santillan gun trafficking organization. This note also includes a social network analysis (SNA) of the cell and an analysis of the ammunition seized.

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Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 45: Rio De Janeiro Operação Cidade Integrada (Operation Integrated City) Police ‘Occupy’ Favelas to Restore Territorial Control

Fri, 01/21/2022 - 1:06pm
Police in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) began a major operation—Operação Cidade Integrada (Operation Integrated City)—on Wednesday 19 January 2022 to retake control of RJ’s Jacarezinho favela.  Approximately 1,200 police (Polícia Militar or Military Police) took part in the co-ordinated action. The operation is reminiscent of the UPP (Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora or Pacifying Police Units) approach initially implemented ahead of the 2016 Olympics. This new initiative apparently seeks to expand that approach by integrating comprehensive social programs to restore state authority and governance. The action seeks to displace criminal governance by the Comando Vermelho (CV or Red Command) and milícia (militia) groups.

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