Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN July 5, 6.00 pm EST

Tue, 07/05/2022 - 8:24pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



July 5, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 05.07 were approximately:

personnel - about 36350 (+150) persons,

tanks ‒ 1594 (+5),

APV ‒ 3772 (+18),

artillery systems – 806 (+2),

MLRS - 247 (+1),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 105 (+0),

aircraft – 217 (+0),

helicopters – 187 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 660 (+2),

cruise missiles - 144 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2634 (+5),

special equipment - 65 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Sloviansk and Donetsk directions.

The one hundred thirty-second (132) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

No signs of the creation of an offensive group were found in the Siverskyi direction. The enemy carried out mortar attacks in the areas of Mkhy, Zalizniy Mist, Chernihiv oblast, and Shalygyne, Sumy oblast. An airstrike from a Mi-24 helicopter hit a school building in the area of ​​Esman settlement in Sumy oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on holding the occupied lines and preventing the advance of our troops. The enemy shelled the areas of Kutuzivka, Nove, Ruski Tyshky, Mala Danylivka, and Dementiivka settlements with artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and tanks. It launched an airstrike in the city of Kharkiv.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy carried out artillery fire in the vicinity of Krasnopilla, Pervomaiske, Nova Mykolaivka, Bohorodychne, Adamivka, Dolyna, Mazanka, Dibrivne, Chepil and Mospanove. Ukrainian soldiers successfully repulsed the enemy's attack in the direction of Dolyna settlement. The occupiers were repelled.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on establishing control over the territory of the Luhansk region within the administrative borders. The enemy is taking measures to restore the transport infrastructure in the rear areas.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the occupiers shelled the areas of Bilohorivka and Verkhnokamyansk with barrel artillery. A missile and air strike was carried out near Slovyansk and Zvanivka.

 In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy is conducting assaults in the direction of the settlement of Novoluhanske, the fighting continues.

The areas of Kodema, Novoluhanske, Pokrovske, Berestove, Spirne, Ivano-Daryivka settlements were shelled with barrel artillery. Delivered missile and air strikes near Soledar, Spirne, Pokrovske, and Shumy.

With the support of artillery fire and aviation, the aggressor resumed assaults in the direction of the settlement of Spirne, with partial success, the hostilities continue.

In the Avdiyivka, Kurakhivka, Novopavlivka, and Zaporizhzhia directions, shelling of the positions of the Defense Forces from the artillery of various calibers along the contact line is recorded. The Russian occupiers struck the settlement of Avdiyivka with aircraft.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on preventing the advancement of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. Fired from barrel and rocket artillery in the areas of Lupareve, Myrne, Shevchenkove, Chervona Dolyna, Kobzartsi, Partyzanske, Bereznehuvate, Topolyne, Ivanivka, Potemkine, Knyazivka, Dobryanka, Trudolyubivka, and Osokorivka settlements. A pair of Ka-52 helicopters carried out airstrikes near Zarichne and Olhyne.

Ukrainian aviation and missile and artillery units continue to strike enemy warehouses and invaders' concentrations, in particular in the Kherson region.

The occupiers are demoralized and look for any opportunity to receive minor injuries. They resort to self-mutilation and various simulations of ill health to return alive to the Russian Federation.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy continues to provide increased protection of the section of the Ukrainian-Russian border.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is defending on previously captured lines. He used tanks, mortars, barrels and jet artillery for shelling the areas of the settlements of Udy, Dementiyivka, Nove, Ruski Tyshky, Tsyrkuny, Kutuzivka, Bazalivka, Pryshyb, Shevelivka, and Protopopivka. He led an assault near Sosnivka, had no success, and withdrew. Conducted an airstrike in the Kharkiv area.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy is trying to improve the tactical position of his units. Artillery shelling was recorded near Dibrovny, Dolynaya, and Adamivka. Our soldiers successfully repelled enemy assaults in the Krasnopil region.

In the Donetsk region, the main efforts of the enemy are concentrated on taking control of the Bakhmut - Lysychansk road and attempts to seize the settlement of Bilohorivka.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy fired at civilian infrastructure in the Kryvya Luka and Serebryanka districts. Delivered a missile and air strike near Siversk. Fighting continues in the Bilohorivka area.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy shelled our troops with mortars, barrels and rocket artillery in the areas of Kodema, Pokrovske, Zaytseve, Zalizne, and Novoselivka settlements.

With the support of artillery and operational-tactical aviation, the occupiers carried out assaults in the areas of Spirne and Vershina settlements, and the fighting continues.

Artillery shelling continues along the contact line in Avdiyivka, Kurakhivka, Novopavlivka, and Zaporizhzhia. The enemy carried out airstrikes on the positions of the Defense Forces in the Avdiivka area.

In the South Buh region, the enemy carried out systematic shelling of civilian and military infrastructure from barrel and rocket artillery in the areas of the settlements of Osokorivka, Dobryanka, Potemkine, Ivanivka, Bereznehuvate, Partyzanske, Chervona Dolyna, Kiselivka, and Myrne. There remains a further threat of missile strikes on the region's critical infrastructure.

Our units continue to successfully carry out missile and artillery fire missions in the designated directions. It is becoming more and more difficult for the enemy to replenish units suffering losses as a result of their unjustified war on the territory of Ukraine.


Minister of Defense of Ukraine

Oleksii Reznikov on twitter: Congratulations to Finland and Sweden! This is a timely and correct step. NATO with 32 is better than 30. More security in the Baltic Sea and new 1,300+ km NATO-🇷🇺 border are good for Europe and bad for terrorists. Best wishes to Antti Kaikkonen and  Peter Hultqvist. Who will be next…?



President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

At night of July 5, an air alert was announced over almost the entire territory of our country. Before that, there has been no air alert in the capital and in some regions for some time, and some people even felt particularly anxious because of such unusual silence. They were overthinking, dreading, looking for some kind of explanation - as if the occupiers were preparing for something... Actually, you shouldn't overthink. You should not look for logic in the actions of terrorists. The Russian army does not take any breaks. It has one task - to take people's lives, to intimidate people - so that even a few days without an air alarm already feel like part of the terror. And this evening, Kyiv and again almost the whole of Ukraine heard the air alarm. As of now, there are reports of strikes at the Khmelnytskyi region - victims, wounded are now being specified.

Our task is to hold on, to take care of ourselves, including our emotions, to help the country's defense as much as possible, to protect the state, as much as it will be necessary for our victory.

The occupiers again hit the Sumy region, Mykolaiv and the region, the Dnipropetrovsk region. Some of the missiles were shot down by our air defense forces. And we have not reduced and will not reduce our diplomatic activity for a single day to obtain modern anti-missile systems for Ukraine in sufficient quantity. 

This is a maximum task for our state – to provide basic security for Ukrainians, basic protection against missile attacks already this year. But the fulfillment of this task depends not only on us, but also on the understanding of our fundamental needs by our partners.

I spoke today with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. I thanked him for increasing security assistance to our nation by £100 million more, on top of the £1 billion defense support package announced recently. This is a very tangible aid for us.

We also discussed with Boris the system of security guarantees for Ukraine, which we are developing, which should work in the long term for our people.

Together with the Presidents of Moldova and Greece I took part in the format of a special conference of The Economist. This is already the 26th such annual event, and this year Ukraine and security were, of course, the main words at it. Why do we need it? Our state needs certainty with a safe space right now. We are working very actively to ensure that all our partners both in Europe and on other continents understand our vision of security guarantees.

Today, the results of two months of work of the United24 state charitable platform were summed up. Over this time, thanks to the participation of people from dozens of countries, we managed to collect more than two billion hryvnias for the needs of Ukraine. This is not only help to our defenders, but also contributions to demining and humanitarian needs.

I personally thanked Liev Schreiber, a very famous actor, for joining United24 as an ambassador. He is a co-founder of the BlueCheck charitable organization, which financed programs for psychological support and evacuation of more than twenty thousand orphans from boarding schools and orphanages in the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv, Odesa regions. Liev's organization also helps families of IDPs in Lviv. Now he, together with Andriy Shevchenko and Elina Svitolina, will work in the humanitarian direction.


Democracy and freedom will be protected as long as Europe and the world can support Ukraine

Only by joint pressure on Russia in all spheres can the world force it to stop the war in Ukraine and the policy of aggression. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during an online conversation at the opening of the 26th Annual Economist Government Roundtable.

"United Europe and the world, sanctions and diplomatic pressure - constant, daily - is an important "homework" to force Russia to seek peace," the Head of State said.

He noted that the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation will have a powerful impact on its economy when there are no exceptions to them.

The President separately emphasized that the world community should understand that the specified restrictions are being introduced against Russia not only because of its aggression in Ukraine, but also, in particular, because it violates and neglects the fundamental principles of international law.

"This is not only because of Ukraine, but also because of violations of international law, violations in the attitude towards democracy, freedom of speech, people's rights, etc. Sanctions have been imposed on the Russian Federation due to the violation of these principles, and they must be continued," said the Head of State.

He emphasized: if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it will continue to pursue its aggressive policy. The President stressed that all the crises the world is currently facing were artificially created by the Russian state.

In addition, according to him, the Russian Federation is investing heavily in the maximum mobilization of its disinformation policy against Ukraine.

"It is difficult to fight this. My voice, the voice of our society is not enough for this, we need the voice of a united Europe. Therefore, as long as Europe and the whole world can support us, democracy and freedom will be protected. As long as Europe understands that this is not a war in Ukraine, but a war in Europe, and we are the "fence" that protects Europe with our lives; as long as they feel it as painfully as we do, as long as Europe can feel it - that's how long we will be able to hold on, and there will be a chance to defeat Russia," Volodymyr Zelenskyy summed up.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

The draft Recovery and Development Plan under the leadership of Ukraine, which was presented yesterday at the International Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, was recognized as the main framework document that sets the direction of the recovery process. This is stated in the adopted Outcome Declaration of the Conference, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said.

The Prime Minister noted that all highly respected participants of the Conference supported the creation of a coordination platform between the Government of Ukraine and all bilateral and multilateral partners, organizations and international financial organizations for the preparation and implementation of the Plan.

"In just 6 weeks, together with more than 3,000 experts, officials, and parliamentarians, we developed reforms and proposed breakthrough projects in 24 directions. And for this, I also wish to thank all those who have already joined the work on the Recovery Plan," stressed the Head of the Government.

The participants of the Conference have approved the following principles:

1. Partnership. Ukraine will lead the recovery process and implement it in partnership with its international partners.

2. Reform focus.

3. Transparency, accountability and rule of law.

4. Democratic participation.

5. Multi-stakeholder engagement.

6. Gender equality and inclusion.

7. Sustainability.

Lugano Declaration URC2022.pdf ( .pdf , 86.35 Кб )


The coalition for Ukraine’s recovery will necessarily include Ukrainian and international private businesses. This was stated by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in his speech in Lugano at the economic panel "Private Sector and Recovery".

"In a few years, Ukraine will not just be next to the European Union. Ukraine will be a member of the EU. Two years will be sufficient for us to implement the principal norms of the European Union. For international companies, this opens up new opportunities and is an important signal for promising investments in various sectors of our economy," the Prime Minister emphasized.

According to Denys Shmyhal, the total volume of the reconstruction program is already estimated at USD 750 billion.

"Restoring infrastructure, green transition, construction of new generation, increase in gas production, deep processing in the agricultural sector and metallurgy, IT sector. All these are projects with a potential of billions, and we invite international businesses to invest in these industries," the Prime Minister noted.

The Head of Government also thanked the international and Ukrainian companies that continue to work in Ukraine, pay taxes, help people and implement social projects. According to him, this is an example of the principle ‘United in our defense – united in our recovery’.


Denys Shmyhal submits an application for Ukraine's accession to the OECD

On behalf of Ukraine, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal handed over an application for our country to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As the Head of Government reported, this happened during the discussion on the practical implementation of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine within the framework of the Conference in Lugano, Switzerland. The Prime Minister handed over the application for joining the OECD to the Secretary-General of the Organization Mathias Cormann.

"We believe that the OECD Council will consider this document for us to join as fast as possible," the Head of the Ukrainian Government emphasized and added that Ukraine shares all the Organization's goals and values, and membership in it is one of the cornerstones of Ukraine's successful recovery and development.

"The current support and future work on Ukraine's recovery and accession to the EU, the beginning of which was supported by all EU member states, will be based on the completion of structural reforms in Ukraine — an area in which having the OECD countenance is of fundamental importance," Denys Shmyhal emphasized.


Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine

Minister Oleksii Chernyshov took part in the panel discussion titled Infrastructure Recovery as part of the International Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) in Lugano, Switzerland. During the event, he presented the Regional Recovery and Development Plan, which is a component of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine.

"As of mid-June, we have an indicator of total losses from physical destruction of USD 95.5 billion. The war singled out four groups of regions in our country: frontline, hub, rear and de-occupied. Every region has its particular challenges and tasks. At that, communities have demonstrated adaptability and flexibility to the challenges of war," Oleksii Chernyshov wrote on his Facebook page.

The Minister also described a vision of the future, in particular: implementation of Decentralization 2.0; updated multi-level governance and regional policy - synchronized with the EU policy; development of cities with a focus on people and their needs; transparent reconstruction.

"Currently, our directions are as follows: restoration, construction of temporary housing, increasing the number of social housing. We are focused on improving energy efficiency, modernizing the entire housing and communal economy, reducing emissions and recycling waste. We will develop a creative economy, build scientific centers and industrial parks. Our infrastructure will contribute to the development of all regions, the entire state!" stressed the Minister.

7/5/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 07/05/2022 - 9:41am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. New details emerge about the 2020 Bonhomme Richard fire, ahead of censure of three-star
3. Ukraine's shadow: Deadly crises like Somalia starved of aid
4. US to send Ukraine advanced NASAMS air defense weapons in $820 million package
5. Sons of Liberty: Case Study for Information Advantage in Resistance Movements
6. Army Bases That Honor Confederate Traitors Could Soon Be Renamed for These Heroes
7. Opinion | Think democracy isn’t endangered? Just look what happened in Hong Kong.
8. Cyber Yankee: The Marine Corps Is Laser Focused On Cyberwar
9. Are we witnessing a military revolution on Ukraine battlefields?
10. How a Military Base in Illinois Helps Keep Weapons Flowing to Ukraine
11. 'Hell on earth': Ukrainian soldiers describe eastern front
12. High cost of Russian gains in Ukraine may limit new advance
13.  US Sues to Block Spy-Tech Deal
14. US and Russian ambassadors to China clash over Ukraine war at Beijing forum
15. ‘If Putin Was a Woman . . .’
16. A Modern-Day Frederick the Great? The End of Short, Sharp Wars
17. The Myth of the Global
18. Millions more sent into lockdown after Covid-19 'flare up'
19. The Best Evidence of a Future Ukrainian Victory is the Country’s Valiant Past: Part II - Ukraine’s warrior farmer roots
20. Opinion | Nearly every American has a foreboding the country they love is losing its way
21. America Is in Denial by Mitt Romney
22. Are US Weapons Supplied To Ukraine Ending Up On DarkNet Marketplaces?

Korean News Content:

1. 6 U.S. F-35A fighters land in S. Korea to join combined drills
2. How North Korea could control the South without ever conquering it
3. S. Korea, Malaysia hold virtual cybersecurity session of ASEAN-related defense forum
4. S. Korea begins transporting country's 1st lunar orbiter to U.S. for Aug. launch
5. N. Korea's new suspected COVID-19 cases fall below 3,000: state media
6. A good start for Korea-Japan relations
7. Top military officer interrogated in 2019 for seizing North Korean boat
8. Japan-South Korea Tensions on Display at NATO Summit
9. Yoon nullifies nuclear energy phaseout
10. US bill expresses concerns over proposed abolishment of S. Korean ministry of equality
11. Tracing the real birthplace of North Korea's Kim Il Sung
12. North Korea dam water release forces South Koreans near border to evacuate
13. BTS Rekindle Debate about Military Service in South Korea
14. Seoul puts foot back on the nuclear accelerator
15. N. Korea arrests members of a gold smuggling ring in Hyesan

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN July 3, 6.00 pm EST

Mon, 07/04/2022 - 5:12pm
Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



July 3, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 03.07 were approximately:

personnel - about 35970 (+100),

tanks ‒ 1584 (+2),

APV ‒ 3744 (+7),

artillery systems – 801 (+1),

MLRS - 246 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 105 (+0),

aircraft – 217 (+0),

helicopters – 187 (+1),

UAV operational-tactical level - 654 (+1),

cruise missiles - 144 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2618 (+4),

special equipment - 64 (+3).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Kramatorsk and Bahmut directions.

The one hundred thirtieth (130) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

No signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups were detected in the Volyn and Polissya directions. According to the available information, from July 1, 2022, the rotation of units of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus in the Brest region began. The air defense system is being strengthened at the expense of units of the Eastern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy continues to provide increased protection of the section of the Ukrainian-Russian border. In addition, the enemy fired from the territory of the Russian Federation at the positions of the Defense Forces and civilian infrastructure near Bachivsk and Vovkivka, Sumy oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is defending the previously occupied positions. The areas of the settlements of Ruska Lozova, Peremoha, Verkhniy Saltiv, Zamulivka, Volobuyivka, Milova, Protopopivka, Pytomnyk, Prudyanka and Nortsivka were shelled with artillery.

Our soldiers successfully repelled an enemy assault near Prudyanka. The enemy launched an airstrike near Mospanovo and Hrakovo.

In the Slovyansk direction, the occupiers are defending themselves. Areas of the settlements of Dibrovne, Mazanivka, Krasnopillya, Sukha Kamyanka, Virnopillya and Mayaki were shelled from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. On several occasions, unsuccessful attempts were made to conduct assaults near Mazanivka. They were repulsed and left. The enemy uses electronic warfare systems.

In the Donetsk direction, the occupiers are concentrating their main efforts on securing positions in the area of the cities of Lysychansk and Verkhnokamyanka. Conducted offensive actions near Bilohorivky, had no success, were forced to retreat.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy fired near Novoluhansky and Travnevy. Conducted an airstrike near Pokrovsky. Attempts are being made to conduct an offensive in the area of the settlement of Spirne, hostilities are ongoing.

In the Avdiyivka, Kurakhivja, Novopavlivja, and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy fired at our positions in the areas of Pisky, Nevelske, Novomykhailivka, Novodanilivka, Poltavka, Bilohirya, Olhivske, and Kamianske settlements. With offensive actions, the enemy is trying to improve the tactical position in the area of Spartak settlement.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its efforts on preventing the advance of units of the Defense Forces in the likely directions of attack. Conducted systematic shelling from barrel and rocket artillery. It carried out an airstrike in the area of the settlement of Ivanivka.

The Russian occupiers are launching systematic rocket attacks in the direction of Mykolayiv.

In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the ship group of the Black Sea Fleet continues to perform the task of blocking Ukraine's maritime communications and conducting reconnaissance. Two carriers of sea-based cruise missiles of the "Calibre" type are in readiness for the use of missile weapons in the waters of the Black Sea.

Aviation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine worked in fact in all directions of hostilities - in the Mykolayiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It made almost one and a half dozen group flights. About twenty units of enemy equipment and two field ammunition depots were destroyed. Our units continue to successfully perform missile and artillery fire missions.





President of Ukraine

President V. Zelelenskyy address to Ukrainians

Today, two important professional holidays are celebrated in our country: the Day of the Naval Forces of Ukraine and the Day of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops. I sincerely congratulate all defenders of Ukraine who serve in these troops, I congratulate all veterans of the fleet, all veterans of anti-aircraft missile troops. Thanks to your service and your bravery, thousands of lives of our people have been saved.

The Russian occupiers suffered very significant losses both at sea and in the sky. They have not had such losses for many decades. Thanks again for your service!

The main task of the state is to do everything for our heroes, our warriors from all branches of the army to have everything necessary for the defense of the state, to have the most modern weapons. It is not easy, it takes a lot of effort, it requires many negotiations, but we will ensure such a supply. Ukraine will reach the level when the fire superiority of the occupiers will be nullified. We are not losing a single day - we convince our partners, establish new connections, use all opportunities - political, diplomatic, information...

Today, the Russian army once again brutally shelled Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Kharkiv with MLRS and "Smerch" systems. In Slovyansk alone, six people are on the list of dead, and about twenty are wounded. A girl died, her name was Yeva. She would have turned 10 in August this year...

Russia has enough Smerch, Uragan and Grad systems to destroy city after city in Ukraine. They have now accumulated their largest firepower in Donbas. And they can use tens of thousands of artillery shells every day on one section of the front. This is reality. That is why we destroy the potential of the occupiers - day after day, calculatedly, powerfully. And, of course, the HIMARS systems we received and other weapons from partners play an important role in this. The fact that we protect the lives of our soldiers, our people, plays an equally important role. We will rebuild the walls, we will regain the land, but people must be saved above all else.

And if the command of our army withdraws people from certain points of the front where the enemy has the greatest fire superiority, in particular this applies to Lysychansk, it means only one thing: we will return thanks to our tactics, thanks to the increase in the supply of modern weapons.

Ukraine does not give anything up. And when someone over there in Moscow reports something about the Luhansk region - let them remember their reports and promises before February 24, in the first days of this invasion, in the spring and now. Let them really evaluate what they got over this time and how much they paid for it. Because their current reports will turn into dust just as the previous ones. We are gradually moving forward - in the Kharkiv region, in the Kherson region and at sea: Zmiinyi is a good example of this. There will be a day when we will say the same about Donbas.

The Prime Minister of Australia visited Kyiv today. A historical moment. And this is a very important visit. Australia is one of the top countries in terms of its level of support. We have already received significant defense assistance from it. Today, Mr. Prime Minister announced a new support package. I am grateful to him for that. Australia will also increase sanctions against Russia. This is the result of our constant activity, which increases the cost of this war for Russia.

The Russian economy found itself in the biggest crisis in the last 50 years. The world severs ties with Russia. The words "collapse", "deficit" and "poverty" will be the description of Russian life as long as this state wants to be a terrorist state. 

They lost more than 35 thousand soldiers, and this is a conservative estimate. What is all this for? For the sake of insane propagandists to be able to show a Russian or Soviet flag on the ruins somewhere in their broadcasts... There is simply no other answer.

It is clear to everyone in the world – and, I am sure, to all the sane people in Russia itself – that Ukraine will win. It's only a matter of time. It is a matter, unfortunately, of the losses we suffer, primarily of people. It is a matter of modern weapons, which we must get and will definitely get.

Tomorrow there will be a conference in Switzerland dedicated to the reconstruction of Ukraine. Today in Kyiv, I met with the President of the International Olympic Committee, and one of his initiatives is the convening of a special conference to raise funds for the restoration of Ukrainian sports infrastructure... These and many other international initiatives simply would not exist if the world doubted our victory.

Therefore, we must continue focused work, fight and beat the occupiers until we regain our entire country. Ukraine will be free.


On the Day of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented the Golden Star Orders to the servicemen who were awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, as well as other state awards to the Ukrainian defenders.

President emphasized that Ukraine is proud of every soldier of the Navy, because from the very beginning of the Russian aggression, they decently rebuff the enemy and inflict significant losses on him.

The President noted that the heroic actions of the marines in Donbas, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson region, Mykolaiv region and Odesa region have deserved eternal respect and gratitude of the Ukrainian people. Naval aviators also excelled in the fight against the Russian army, the Head of State emphasized.

"Enemy missiles, planes and helicopters destroyed by Ukrainian sailors prevent the aggressor from reaching their targets, save critical infrastructure facilities, and most importantly - save the lives of our Ukrainian citizens! Ukraine is proud of all of you, is inspired by your successes, especially in combat, supports you, shares the pain of losses and believes in the resilience of the officers and sailors of the domestic fleet, their indomitability, invincibility, our common victory," Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized. The President stated that increasing the capabilities of the Navy will always be a priority of the government.

"We aspired and did everything to make the Ukrainian fleet a model of power and modernity and become a true pride of our state. To make us a maritime state not in the distant memories of the past, but in the real present and the near future," he said.

The Head of State expressed his conviction that the high professionalism of the Navy, skillful use of modern weapons and military equipment will surely send the rest of the Russian aggressor's fleet in pursuit of the "Russian ship".

On behalf of the Ukrainian state and people, the President expressed gratitude to the personnel of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the heroic performance of military duty, courage and self-sacrifice that they demonstrate every day in battles against the occupiers. He wished the Ukrainian military sailors good health, an indomitable morale and the soonest possible victory for all of us.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that he is glad to have the opportunity to meet with the defenders on the Day of the Naval Forces and present them with well-deserved state awards.

The attendees also commemorated those killed defending the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine with a moment of silence.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized: we will always be grateful to everyone who fought fiercely against the Russian invaders at sea, on land and in the air, showed remarkable heroism, resilience and invincible character, and we will always remember the feat of each and every one who gave their lives for Ukraine.


The First Lady of Ukraine.

The First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska gave an interview to Italian television. In a conversation with the host of Porta a Porta program, the President's wife talked about the situation in Ukrainian cities hit by missiles every day.

"Our people, our children go to bed not knowing if they will wake up tomorrow," said Olena Zelenska.

When asked if she is afraid of death, the President's wife emphasized that she is more afraid of those who do not value the lives of others.

"I'm more afraid of people who don't care about their lives. This means that they do not care about the lives of others, since they do not value their own. This is the difference between us and the Russian invaders - every life is important to us," the First Lady said.


Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar met with Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic Jana Černochová. The main topics discussed were issues of security and assistance to Ukraine in withstanding russian aggression.

Hanna Maliar noted that it was a meeting of friends who lend a shoulder to each other at a difficult moment. The Czech Republic consistently takes a firm position in all European institutions in supporting Ukraine, condemning the actions of the russian federation and providing assistance to our country in every possible way.

"The war in Ukraine is a threat to the entire continent. Today, our country is the shield of Europe, - stressed Hanna Maliar. - And the Czech Republic provides us with very serious military assistance. These weapons and ammunition are already used on the front line. With its help, our military destroys the occupiers."

Hanna Maliar noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine heroically and selflessly defend their native land, have extraordinary motivation and strength to liberate all Ukrainian lands from the russian invaders. Just yesterday I returned from the area where our defenders are fighting the russian invaders. So my colleague asked whether the Ukrainian soldiers and the entire Ukrainian people would have enough strength to resist the russian invaders for a long time.

 I answered her with the words of the commander of the 92nd separate mechanized brigade. He said that he would not tire until the last Russian soldier was expelled from our territory. Ukrainians are ready to defend their country as long as it is necessary. For this we need more powerful weapons. Today we received confirmation from the Czech side that support in this direction will continue," the Deputy Minister of Defense emphasized.

The Czech Republic also helps Ukraine with the treatment of our wounded defenders and children who were forced to leave the temporarily occupied territories. This issue was also raised during the meeting. Joint work in such an important matter will expand.







7/4/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 07/04/2022 - 10:58am

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National Security News Content:

2. China’s rise pushes Asia-Pacific nations to embrace Nato
3. Nuclear question arises in East Asia as invasion of Ukraine, US-China tensions continue
4. Is Using Nuclear Weapons Still Taboo?
5. The Best Evidence of a Future Ukrainian Victory is the Country’s Valiant Past: Part One
6. Ukrainian Military Performance and Outlook
7. CRS Report: Ukrainian Military Performance and Outlook
8. An American’s Murky Path From Russian Propagandist to Jan. 6
9. Does Putin’s War Mark a New Period in History?
10. The Art of the Arms Race
11. British Army hit by cyberattack as Twitter and YouTube accounts hacked
12. Only 12 Army Rangers who served in World War II are still alive, and they just received Congress' highest award for achievement
13. The few, the proud, the drunk: Meet America’s revolutionary yet ‘ungentlemanlike’ troops of 1776
14. The Strategy of the Mind: Maoism and Culture War in the West
15. Wary of China threat, Taiwanese join Ukraine’s fight against Russia
16. Thinking About the Unthinkable in Ukraine - What Happens If Putin Goes Nuclear?
17. In Ukraine, U.S. Veterans Step In Where the Military Will Not
18. Why America’s Far Right and Far Left Have Aligned Against Helping Ukraine
19. Ukraine’s moral waters get muddier and bloodier
20. Ukrainian Producers Launch Documentary ‘Against All Odds’ About Russian Invasion

Korean News Content:

1. The Bush Institute Announces Recipients of the 2022 North Korea Freedom Scholarship
2.  S. Korea to seek 'new structure' of talks with N. Korea, unification minister says
3. S. Korea launches gov't-private task force on Japan's wartime forced labor
4. Yoon calls for joint efforts with Japan for future-oriented relationship
5. S. Korea closely watching N. Korea's summer military drills
6. Yoon Suk-yeol asks Keidanren to help with Japan relations
7. China-Japan relations critical to South Korea's post-NATO summit strategic planning
8. [INTERVIEW] 'Repatriation puts fear in eyes of all North Koreans,' rights expert says
9. Declining approval ratings- Yoon should do his best to regain public's trust
10. Absurd COVID-19 claim​ - North Korea should return to negotiating table to ensure peace​
​11. ​[Hwang’s China and the World] The end of appeasing North Korea, time to deal with its fundamental interest
​12. ​ N. Korea tightens border controls, vigilance on ‘alien things’ near inter-Korean border
​13. ​[News Focus] Will Korea have authority of independent financial sanctions?
​14. ​S.Korea, U.S. Special Forces Conduct Ship Seizure Training
15. Yoon shrugs off latest polls, but should he?
16. N. Korean authorities test entire university following spike in fever cases and deaths
17. Former U.S. military base in South Korea to become green park in heart of Seoul

7/3/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 07/03/2022 - 12:26pm

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National Security News Content:

2. Chinese purchase of North Dakota farmland raises national security concerns in Washington
3. The U.S. Keeps Losing Wars Because Nobody Listens to the Spooks
4. Henry Kissinger: The Internet Does Not Make Great Leaders
5. Mines, Port Damage Threaten Revival of Sea Route for Ukraine Grain
6. China’s Likely Strategic Impulses Towards Taiwan Post-Ukraine Will Be Determined By US ‘Will To Use Power’ – Analysis
7.  Putin's Problem: Is Russia Running Out of Accurate Weapons?
8. Ukraine Needs Large Scale Artillery, Soon, or the War Could be Lost
9. Lysychansk: Heavy fighting rages in Ukraine-held eastern city
10.  U.S. Generals Have Been Wrong on Ukraine. We Shouldn't Be Shocked
11. Here Is The Entire List of Military Hardware the U.S. Is Giving Ukraine
12. Ukraine's Insurgents Could Break Russia's Invasion
13. NATO’s new China focus: Smart move — or too provocative?
14. Marcos Jr names career diplomat Manalo as foreign minister
15. Navy SEAL use of state parks appears over as state declines to appeal judge's decision
16. Russia claims capture of pivotal city in eastern Ukraine
17. Cyber Insecurity: Give Deterrence a Break
18. Americans More Likely Than Those In UK To Feel Threatened By China’s Development As A World Power
19. Great Power Competition — China’s Use of Guerrilla Warfare and Information Power in Pursuit of Its Epochal World Order
20. Vladimir Putin's terrifying debt to North Korea's Kim Jong-un after secret meetings

Korean News Content:

1. Yoon to appoint new JCS chief amid tensions over N. Korea
2. N. Korea lashes out at closer security ties among S. Korea, U.S., Japan
3. Yoon's disapproval rating exceeds approval rating in latest poll
4. Pyongyang squawks at goings-on at NATO summit
5. A honeymoon that didn’t last long (President Yoon)
6. Biden’s policy errors could affect Korea
7. More than six out of 10 South Koreans willing to fight for country
8. Need for pragmatic diplomacy
9. Combating COVID-19: lessons learned from South Korea
10. FM hints at military cooperation with Japan, US
11.  Trilateral security cooperation is back, says Yoon
12. South Korean defense agency backs buy of 20 more F-35A jets
13. Satellite pics reveal North Korea’s huge ‘176,000sq ft’ underground lair
14. Army announces Korea Rotational Force Transition
15. Army will no longer rotate tank units to Korea — but the tanks are staying

7/2/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 07/02/2022 - 12:53pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Taiwan hits out at Hong Kong's vanishing freedoms, vows to protect its sovereignty
3. Why Does China Own So Much of Ukraine?
4. Palau slams U.N. for blocking Taiwan delegates from attending Ocean Conference
5. House Republicans push legislation to require Biden administration to detail the status of major arm sales to Taiwan
6. TikTok says it's putting new limits on Chinese workers' access to U.S. user data
7. Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Changes What We Know About State Power
8. How the Russian Media Spread False Claims About Ukrainian Nazis
9. How to win Ukraine’s long war
10. Musk’s tech put to deadly weapon effect in Ukraine
11. The Maritime Counterinsurgency Project Begins
12.  Pentagon too Slow to Recognize Risk and too Fast to Give Away Needed Capability Permanently
13. China lashes out against ‘Asian version of NATO’
14. Taking on Putin through porn: how Russians are finding out the truth about Ukraine
15. China is doubling down on its bid to challenge the dollar's global dominance. Analysts lay out why it's unlikely to succeed.
16. Russia's messages with missiles tell West to back off
17. Meet The Shadowy Ukrainian Unit That Sabotages Targets Inside Russia
18. How a Nation's Social Condition Relates to Its Global Standing
19. James Stejskal: The Origins of Modern Close Quarter Battle
20. How to Break Russia’s Black Sea Blockade
21.  None of the US Air Force’s linguists spoke Ukrainian. Then Russia invaded.
22. The Truth About the Evolution of Russian Military Doctrine
23. The 20-Somethings Who Help the 70-Somethings Run Washington

Korean News Content:

1. Can South Korea Bridge NATO and the US Indo-Pacific Strategy?
2. Yoon Seok-Yeol Is Rebuilding South Korean Foreign Policy
3. In chip war, Korea spends big to stay ahead of China
4. Baby steps toward a Japan-Korea rapprochement
5. North Korea says it has ‘beaten’ Covid – but there’s more to its outbreak than meets the eye
6. N. Korea reports 4,100 new suspected COVID-19 cases
7. New COVID-19 cases bounce back to over 10,000 amid resurgence woes
8. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker
9. N. Korea blasts G-7 statement on its nuclear, missile programs, vows to bolster 'self-defense' capabilities
10. Yoon says S. Korea, Japan should discuss past, future issues simultaneously
11. Top economic policymakers of S. Korea, U.S. discuss Russian oil price cap
12. Chinese envoy prods South Korea to rethink pro-US pivot

7/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 07/01/2022 - 8:45am

Access National Security News HERE.

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National Security News Content:


2. It’s Time to Designate Wagner Group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization

3. Helping the Leadership Lead

4. Vitaliy Kim, Master Motivator and Symbol of Ukraine’s Resistance

5. China lured graduate jobseekers into digital espionage

6. Why Gamers Will Win the Next War

7. FCC commissioner calls on Google and Apple to ban TikTok from their app stores

8. Fight With Information, Not Just Munitions, Marine Corps Tells Commanders

9. The IAEA Needs Access to Ukraine’s Nuclear Power Plant. Biden Can Help.

10. Ukraine Is Just the Beginning

11. Opinion | Biden’s answer to Russia is a new, improved NATO

12.  Driving the Dark Road to the Future: A Guide to Revitalizing Defense Planning and Strategic Analysis

13. 3 ways Vladimir Putin has already lost in Ukraine

14. Pentagon Agency Wants to Send Arms Monitors to Ukraine

15. China’s Vast Maritime Claims Are Becoming Reality

16. War fatigue in the West

17. China has a PR problem — and it’s not just over Hong Kong. Here’s why in three charts.

18. Biden: Additional $800M For Ukraine Coming ‘In The Next Few Days’

19. Randy George assigned as next Army vice chief, new leaders named in modernization offices

20. Army releases new details about San Diego helicopter fire

​21. ​Is China building a huge spy complex in US?

22. Opinion | Social media can be a weapon, and it’s time US troops get trained on it


Korean News Content:

1.  South Korea’s Important Achievement at the NATO Summit

2. North Korea military celebrates ‘Anti-U.S. Joint Struggle Month’

3. South Korea's Yoon warns at NATO summit of threat to 'universal values'

4. From Europe, Yoon Suk Yeol Calls for International Cooperation on North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Threats

5. Philippines awards contract to South Korean shipbuilder for six offshore patrol vessels

6. Biden and Leaders of Japan and South Korea Pledge Greater Cooperation

7. Yoon says S. Korea, Japan should discuss past, future issues simultaneously

8. Trump’s personal diplomacy with North Korea was fruitless, Mattis says

9. Ex-Pentagon chief stresses deterrence as 'primary' peacekeeping tool on peninsula

10. North Korea blames Covid-19 outbreak on 'unusual items' near South Korea border

11. N. Korea's first COVID-19 cases traced to area bordering S. Korea: state media

12. N.K. foreign ministry slams U.S. humanitarian aid offer amid pandemic

13. Attendance of Japan, S Korea at NATO Summit may stoke China's worst fears

14. Investigation Shows N.Korea Smuggling Coal to China

15. North Korea is likely culprit behind $100 million crypto heist, researchers say


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN June 30, 6.00 pm EST The one hundred twenty seventh (127) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Thu, 06/30/2022 - 8:57pm



Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations



June 30, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 30.06 were approximately:

personnel - about 35600 (+150),

tanks ‒ 1573 (+1),

APV ‒ 3726 (+6),

artillery systems – 790 (+9),

MLRS - 246 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 104 (+1),

aircraft – 217 (+0),

helicopters – 185 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 641 (+1),

cruise missiles - 143 (+1),

warships / boats - 14 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2602 (+4),

special equipment - 61 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Bahmut direction.

The one hundred twenty seventh (127) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to be in the border areas of the Brest and Gomel regions. According to available information, the military commissariats of the specified regions are studying the possibilities of covert mobilization of the population.

There are no significant changes in the Siversky direction.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy continues to defend the previously occupied positions. It carried out shelling from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery in the districts of the city of Kharkiv, the settlements of Pytomnyk, Ukrayinka, Peremoha, Dementiyivka, Prudyanka, Korobochkyne and Rubizhne.

The defenders resolutely suppressed an attempt of enemy assault in the area of Dementiyivka settlement. The occupiers left. Airstrikes were carried out near Prudyanka and Verkhniy Saltiv.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy is regrouping troops and defending. Fired artillery of various calibers in Mazanivka, Dibrivne and Krasnopill districts.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy, with the support of artillery, tries to block the city of Lysychansk and take control of the section of the highway Lysychansk - Bakhmut. Fired at civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Lysychansk, Verkhnyokamyanka and Siversk. Made an airstrike near Vovchoyarivka. Conducts an offensive near Verkhnyokamyanka and assaults in the area of the Lysychansky Oil Refinery, hostilities continue.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy did not conduct active hostilities, shelling our positions with artillery.

In the direction of Bakhmut, shelling was recorded near Berestovo, Pokrovsky and Zvanivka, and an airstrike in the Pokrovsky area. Ukrainian soldiers stopped the offensive and inflicted significant losses on the occupiers in the areas of Klynove and Novoluhanske settlements, as well as repulsed the assault in the direction of the Vuhlehirskaya TPP. In both cases the enemy withdrew.

In Avdiyivka, Kurakhivka, Novopavlivka, and Zaporizhzhia, the enemy shelled Vodyane, Avdiivka, Maryinka, Vuhledar, Poltavka, Novoukrayinske, Novosilka, and Orikhov districts. Delivered airstrikes on our positions near Avdiivka and Shcherbaky. Tried to conduct assaults in the Pavlivka area, was unsuccessful, and withdrew.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy continues to systematically shell civilian and military infrastructure and is regrouping troops. Delivered missile and air strikes in the districts of Knyazivka, Potemkyny and Bereznehuvaty. Conducted aerial reconnaissance. The threat of missile strikes on the region's critical infrastructure continues.

Two "Calibre" sea-based cruise missile carriers are in readiness for the use of missile weapons in the waters of the Black Sea.

Our aviation and missile and artillery units continue to successfully carry out combat tasks - they hit enemy concentrations and ammunition depots.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is defending previously occupied positions. Inflicted air strikes near Prudyanka and Odnorobivka and a missile strike on the city of Kharkiv.

The attempt of hostile assault actions in the direction of Kochubeyivka - Dementiyivka was immediately suppressed by Ukrainian soldiers.

The enemy fired artillery at the areas of the settlements of Pytomnyk, Dementiivka, Ivanivka, Rubizhne, Yavirske, Petrovka, Ruski Tyshky, and Kutuzivka. It also conducted Orlan-10 UAV air reconnaissance near Prudyanka and Ruska Lozova.

Enemy units are regrouping in the Slovyansk direction. The assault in the direction of Dovhenke - Mazanivka was successfully repulsed by our soldiers. The enemy retreated. It carried out assault operations in order to take full control of the village of Bohorodychne, had no success.

Enemy shelling was recorded in the areas of the settlements of Bohorodychne, Krasnopillya, Kurulka, Vernopillya and Chervona Polyana.

The enemy did not take active action in the Kramatorsk direction. It struck an air strike near the village of Tetyanivka.

In the Lysychansk direction, the enemy fires on the positions of our troops near the city of Lysychansk. Conducts assault operations in the area of ​​Lysychansk Oil Refinery, has partial success, maintains the north-western and south-eastern parts of the plant.

It carried out assault operations in the areas of the north-eastern part of the Lysychansk refinery, the settlement of Topolivka and the northern part of the settlements of Vovchoyarivka and Maloryazantseve.

The enemy's offensive in the direction of Loskutivka - Lysychansk gelatin plant was stopped by Ukrainian soldiers and the occupiers were forced to withdraw.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy launched a missile and air strike near the village of Soledar. It carried out artillery shelling in the Belogorovka, Pokrovsky, Klinovey and Novolugansky districts.

Our defenders successfully stopped all attempts of offensive and assault actions of the occupiers in the directions Mykolayivka - Spirne, Volodymyrivka - Pokrovske, Dolomitne - Vuhlehirska TPP.

In the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv and Zaporizhzhia directions, it fired at positions from barrel and jet artillery along the line of contact. It fired a missile at the outskirts of Avdiivka. Conducted air reconnaissance UAV type "Orlan-10".

In the Pivdenny Buh direction, the occupiers continued shelling in the areas of the settlements of Trudolyubivka, Knyazivka, Vesely Kut, Chervonyi Yar, Kobzartsi, Lyubomyrivka, Posad-Pokrovske, and Lupareve. Conducted air reconnaissance. The work of electronic warfare devices near Velyka Oleksandrivka has been recorded.

Three carriers of naval-based cruise missiles of the "Caliber" type are ready for the use of missile weapons in the Black Sea.

Unable to withstand the fire of our artillery, missile and air units, the occupiers left Snake Island. Thus, the Odesa oblast was completely liberated.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

On June 30, Russian forces launched missile strikes in Kryvyi Rih district of Dnipropetrovsk region. An agricultural enterprise with more than 40 tons of grain in its warehouse, a farm and 15 pieces of agricultural equipment were damaged. A house of culture was also damaged and a cottage in a horticultural society was destroyed. There are no military facilities on this territory.


Juvenile prosecutors: 341 children died as a result of the Russian armed aggression in Ukraine

More than 972 children were injured in Ukraine due to the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation in our country. As of the morning of June 30th, 2022, the official number of child victims per day has not changed - 341. The number of injured has increased - more than 631.

These figures are not final, as work is continuing to establish them in places of active military actions, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

The most affected children were in Donetsk oblast - 338, Kharkiv oblast - 185, Kyiv oblast - 116, Chernihiv oblast - 68, Luhansk oblast - 60, Mykolaiv oblast - 53, Kherson oblast - 52, Zaporizhzhia oblast - 31.

The bombardment and shelling by the Russian armed forces damaged 2,096 educational institutions, out of which 215 were destroyed.





President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainioans

 Undoubtedly, the main word today is Zmiinyi. Apparently, there was just as much talk about Zmiinyi only on the day when the Russian ship arrived there. Then the ship left - forever, and now the island is free again. I am grateful to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, the fighters of "Alpha", I am grateful to our gunners, pilots of the army aviation and Air Force, the command of "Oleksandriya".

Zmiinyi Island is a strategic point, and it significantly changes the situation in the Black Sea. It does not guarantee safety yet, it does not yet guarantee that the enemy will not return. But it already limits the actions of the occupiers significantly. Step by step, we will drive them out of our sea, our land, and our sky.

The situation in Donbas region remains the toughest, extremely difficult. The fire superiority of the occupiers is still extremely tangible - they have already taken everything from their reserves to hit us: the Luhansk region, the Donetsk region. I am grateful to everyone who defends our positions in such conditions. This is true heroism.

The United States announced today a new package of support for Ukraine, primarily concerning defense. I am grateful to President Biden for this assistance. Soon it will get to the frontline to work for Ukraine, for the defense of freedom.

Talked about defense support with the Federal President of Germany. Thanked him for the help that had already been provided. Once again I outlined our priorities - the types of weapons we need. President Steinmeier expressed his condolences over the inhumane attack on Kremenchuk and our other cities.

Today, another significant step in our rapprochement with the European Union took place - Ukraine launched a significant export of electricity to the territory of the EU, to Romania. And this is only the first stage. We are preparing to increase supply.

At the expense of Ukrainian electricity, a significant part of the Russian gas consumed by Europeans can be replaced. That is, it is not just a question of export revenue for us, it is a question of security for the whole of Europe.

I would like to remind you that our country joined the common energy system of the EU already after the start of the war. Ukraine is doing things that seemed impossible.

France's Presidency of the Council of the EU ends today. The historical period when we received the candidacy. Europe has become stronger over this time. The Presidency of the Czech Republic begins, and I am grateful to our Czech partners for the fact that they have identified the reconstruction of Ukraine as one of the priorities of their Presidency. It is really important to start reconstruction as soon as possible on the territory that has already been liberated.

And our priority - and this will be a task for all representatives of the state - everything should be done as soon as possible to prepare the start of membership negotiations. Government officials, deputies, diplomats - everyone must work on this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By the way, tomorrow there will be news on this topic. Ukraine’s European integration cannot be stopped.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Regarding the Severance of Diplomatic Relations with the Syrian Arab Republic.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the decision of the Syrian Arab Republic to recognize the so-called “independence” of the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.

We consider this decision to be an unfriendly act against Ukraine, an encroachment on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state, and a gross violation of Ukrainian law, the UN Charter, and the fundamental norms and principles of international law. There is no doubt that the Syrian regime is trying to give pseudo-subjectivity to the Russian occupying administrations in Donetsk and Luhansk at the behest of its Kremlin curators.

In response to this unfriendly act, Ukraine declares the severance of diplomatic relations with Syria without the severance of consular relations, in accordance with Article 2 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations done in Vienna on 24 April 1963. The Ukrainian Side is also initiating the procedure of imposing a trade embargo on Syria, as well as imposing other sanctions on Syrian legal entities and individuals.

"Our position is clear - we respond as harshly as possible to any attempts to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and we protect national interests by all available means, including on the diplomatic front," emphasized Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

In connection with the crimes of the regime of Bashar Al Assad against the Syrian people, the Ukrainian side had already closed the Embassy of Ukraine in Damascus in 2016 and ordered the closing of the Embassy of Syria in Ukraine in 2018. Protection of the interests of Ukrainians in Syria is carried out by the Embassy of Ukraine in Lebanon.


The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

Ukraine Received Grant from The United States of USD 1.3 Billion

Today, the State Budget of Ukraine received a grant from the United States for USD 1.3 billion.

These funds were provided from the World Bank's Multiple Donor Trust Fund under additional funding from the Public Expenditure Support for Sustainable Governance in Ukraine Project between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).

"The support of our partners accelerates Ukraine's victory. Special thanks to the teams of the Government, the Ministry of Finance, the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, and the World Bank for their coordinated work and the opportunity to receive these funds as soon as possible", said Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko.

He noted that the next grant from the United States may be recieved in July.

The funds will be used to reimburse state budget expenditures made to ensure the remuneration of employees of state bodies and budgetary institutions in the field of education, both at the national and regional levels.