Small Wars Journal

Islamic State Seeks Comeback Under Cover of Coronavirus

Sat, 04/11/2020 - 9:41am

Islamic State Seeks Comeback Under Cover of Coronavirus by Omar Sattar - Al-Monitor

BAGHDAD - The Islamic State (IS) is seeking to take advantage of Iraq's preoccupation with the coronavirus pandemic and the global coalition's suspension there of military operations against IS.

Accordingly, Iraqi forces have launched a preemptive operation to cut off IS supply routes and weaken its combat capabilities.

“Despite the suspension of the global coalition’s operations, Iraqi forces are conducting operations to hunt down the terrorist organization on the border with Syria," Iraq Defense Ministry spokesperson Yahya Rasoul told Al-Monitor. "IS has incurred huge losses in recent days as it tried to exploit the coronavirus crisis to expand its terrorist operations.”

The global coalition announced in March that it stopped its combat, logistical and training operations in Iraq. The French Defense Ministry said its soldiers there departed according to agreements with the Iraqi government. Meanwhile, Washington withdrew US personnel from some military bases, most notably the Qayyarah air base in northern Iraq, and handed the bases over to the Iraqi side.

The coalition's withdrawal was described as temporary and “tactical” amid reports that training of Iraqi forces to target IS remnants could resume once the pandemic is under control. However, some Iraqi parties have warned that in the meantime, IS might once again take control of large parts of the country's northwest…

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Far Right-Wing and Radical Islamist Groups Exploiting Coronavirus Turmoil

Sat, 04/11/2020 - 12:53am

Far Right-Wing and Radical Islamist Groups Exploiting Coronavirus Turmoil by Souad Mekhennet - Washington Post

Extreme right-wing organizations and radical Islamist groups are seizing on the turmoil and panic created by the coronavirus pandemic to advance their violent agendas, often using similar tactics and the same messaging apps, security officials and experts say.

In recent weeks, racist and anti-Semitic organizations, as well as the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and radical Shiite networks, have ramped up recruitment efforts, encouraged attacks and advanced hate-filled conspiracy theories about the virus.

Far-right extremist groups have called the pandemic a hoax and floated the falsehood that the crisis is being orchestrated by Jews or China. In the United States, they are exploiting the state of anxiety, including massive job losses, by scapegoating Jews, blacks, immigrants, politicians and law enforcement, according to security officials…

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