Small Wars Journal

Books You Should be Reading

Sun, 08/24/2008 - 3:09am
For SWJ -- a perfect storm -- outstanding recent releases by authors who are "Small Wars Journal friends". Each have offered up original material to SWJ and / or provided moral support. For a niche Internet site we are humbled that these acknowledged experts have extended their support to SWJ.

Baghdad at Sunrise - Peter Mansoor

This compelling book presents an unparalleled record of what happened after US forces seized Baghdad in the spring of 2003.

The Strongest Tribe - Bing West

From a universally respected combat journalist, a gripping history based on five years of front-line reporting about how the war was turned around--and the choice now facing America.

Tell Me How This Ends - Linda Robinson

After a series of disastrous missteps in its conduct of the war, the White House in 2006 appointed General David Petraeus as the Commanding General of the coalition forces. Tell Me How This Ends is an inside account of his attempt to turn around a failing war.

We Are Soldiers Still - Hal Moore and Joe Galloway

In their stunning follow-up to the classic bestseller We Were Soldiers Once... and Young, Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and Joe Galloway return to Vietnam and reflect on how the war changed them, their men, their enemies, and both countries - often with surprising results.

Pete, Bing, Linda, Joe -- Again, we are humbled and grateful for your support -- congratulations on your contribution to understanding the critical issues that will define and shape our nation's future.

Job well done!