Small Wars Journal

5/15/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 05/15/2024 - 6:58am

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National Security News Content:

1. US special ops teams must cut 5,000 troops over next 5 years amid push to recruit technical experts
2. Evaluating the Strategic Expansion of Pentagon Special Ops Training for Allies Amid Global Tensions
3.  The power of relationships and partnerships forged by special ops by Michael K. Nagata
4. US Commander Suggests UK Special Forces Are Active in Ukraine
5. The US is still falling behind on electronic warfare, special operators warn
6. UN Admits Hamas Lied on Casualty Numbers; But the Damage Is Done
7. Army Officer Resigns in Protest of ‘Unqualified’ U.S. Support to Israel
8. The arsenal of democracy is running low on gunpowder
9. How Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships
10. Must-Pass Defense Bill Includes 4.5% Military Pay Raise on Top of 15% Increase for Junior Enlisted Troops
11. Putin begins defense ministry purge amid nuclear secrets leak rumor
12. Biden's Latest Policy Failure: West Africa
13. An Army drone branch? Idea advances in House subcommittee
14. GA-ASI and USSOCOM collaborate on ABAD Pod for MQ-9A resilience
15. Putin to meet Xi in Beijing as world convulses from global conflicts
16. America needs to lead in drone warfare
17. Should Taiwan Attempt to Replicate the Zelensky Playbook?
18. Why Iran and Israel Stepped Back From the Brink
19. A UN Trusteeship for Palestine
20. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 14, 2024
21. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, May 14, 2024

Korean News Content:

1. Ex-Pentagon official downplays concerns over possible USFK pullout in case of Trump's election
2. US partnerships with S. Korea, Japan key to making prosperous, secure Indo-Pacific: Campbell
3. North Korea Might Ignore Donald Trump If He Takes Back the White House
4. N. Korea's Kim, daughter attend ceremony for new street in Pyongyang
5. S. Korea, NATO hold 2nd military staff dialogue in Belgium
6. HD Korea Shipbuilding to establish production base in Philippines
7. S. Korea-U.S. alliance will 'incessantly' strengthen regardless of who wins U.S. election: Seoul envoy
8. North Korea warns US allies over surveillance
9. US has no choice but to ‘double down’ on North Korea deterrence: official
10. U.S. Air Force in S. Korea assesses Chinese missile threats
11. Reviving The Six-Party Talks: Why Indonesia Is The Key
12. North's Kim calls for 'epochal change' in war preparations during arms factory visit
13. Seoul dismisses Tokyo's protests over Cho Kuk's Dokdo visit
14. N. Korea slaps temporary ban on sales of rice in some areas of the country
15.  North Korea's nuclear threat: why we must stay the course
16. Destroying South Korea’s HUMINT Capability:  The Framing of Colonel Cheong Kyu-phil; Benefits North Korea, China