Small Wars Journal

20 November SWJ Roundup

Sun, 11/20/2011 - 3:08am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Afghanistan Loya Jirga Backs US Deal - VOA

Afghan Council Supports Karzai on US Troop Presence - NYT

Afghan Loya Jirga Backs Karzai’s Security Plans - WP

Afghan Tribal Elders Back US Pact - BBC

Afghanistan National Assembly Backs Pact with US - AP

Hundreds of Afghans Protest Long-Term Pact with US - AP

Afghanistan Has Big Plans for Biometric Data - NYT



Zardari’s Fate May Hinge on Scandal of Purported Memo - LAT

Man with US Passport Blows Himself Up in Pakistan - AP

A Skeptic's Guide to Pakistan's Latest Scandal - Dawn opinion

Getting at Pakistan's Real Problems - FP opinion



Tehran Starts Military Maneuvers - VOA

Iran Pressed to Resolve Discrepancy on Uranium - WSJ

Iran Nuclear Drive May End Arming Terrorists - Bloomberg

Commander Died During Missile Testing, Brother Says - WP

Iran Reports Cloud Details of Ammo Depot Blast - AP

A Diplomatic Face Seeks to Counter Iran’s Critics - NYT

Why China and Russia Help Iran - TD opinion



Syrian Death Tolls Mounts, Deadline Looms - VOA

Sectarian Strife in City Bodes Ill for All of Syria - NYT

Syria Baath Party in Damascus Hit by Rockets - BBC

Grenades Hit Baath Party Building in Damascus - Reuters

Syrian Troops Attack Despite Arab Peace Plan - AP

Syria's Assad Vows to Continue Crackdown - Reuters

Turkey, France Find Ground on Syria - VOA

Time Is Running Out for Assad - Economist editorial



Fort Bragg Soldiers Nurturing Ties with Iraqi Locals - FO



2 Dead, Hundreds Wounded in Egypt Protests - VOA

Violent Protests in Egypt Pit Thousands Against Police - NYT

Police, Demonstrators Clash in Cairo - WP

2 Killed, 600 Hurt in Egypt Protests - LAT

Deadly Clashes at Egypt Protests - BBC

Egypt Police Clash With Protesters Ahead of Vote - AP

Two Killed, Hundreds Hurt in Egypt Street Clashes - Reuters

After Revolution, Christians Are Living in Fear - NYT opinion

Slim Hope in History for Christians - NYT opinion



Libyan Military Captures Gadhafi's Fugitive Son - VOA

Gaddafi’s Son Saif al-Islam Caught - WP

Libyan Fighters Catch Qaddafi’s Last Fugitive Son - NYT

Seif Islam Kadafi Captured in Southern Libya - LAT

Gaddafi's Son Saif Captured in Libya - BBC

Gadhafi's Son Captured in Southern Libya Near Niger - AP

The Capture of Gaddafi's Son - Reuters

West Urges Libya to Work With ICC Over Gaddafi's Son - Reuters

PM: Gaddafi's Son Will Get Fair Trial - Reuters

Seif Al-Islam Gadhafi Was Former Heir Apparent - AP

War Crimes Prosecutor Travels to Libya - AP

Key Events in Libya's Revolution - VOA


Middle East / North Africa

West Bank Land Seized by Israeli Kibbutz - AP

Tunisian Parties Divvy Up Top Government Posts - AP

Yemen Crumbling From Within - GN editorial

The Saudi Juggernaut - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

Costly Aircraft Suggests Cuts Won’t Be Easy - NYT

Esquire Names Army Captain One of its 'Patriots of the Year' - S&S

Lockheed’s F-35 Not in Budget ‘Cross Hairs,’ Dempsey Says - BW


United States

Deficit Panel Faces a Rift Over Who Ought to Pay - NYT

Deficit Deal Failure Would Pose Crummy Choice - AP

Arizona Educators Clash Over Mexican American Studies - LAT

Post-9/11 Tradeoff: Security vs. Civil Liberties - AP

US Fugitive's 41-Year Life on Lam - AP

Reneging on Justice at Guantánamo - NYT editorial



US Uganda Mission Likely to Last Until Rebel Leader Caught - WP

Ethiopia Troops 'Enter Somalia' - BBC

Ethiopian Troops Move Into Somalia - Reuters

Kenya Military Asks Aid Agencies to Return to Somalia's South - VOA

South Sudan Releases Journalists Held for Criticizing President - VOA

Security Fears Keep Nigeria President From Home State Vote - Reuters

Police: 2 Soldiers, Child Killed in North Nigeria - AP

Fortunes, and Tables, Turn for Portugal and Angola - NYT

Pope Calls for African Peace and Reconciliation - BBC

Pope's New Document Outlines Church Role in Africa - AP

In Somalia, the Enduring Value of Boots on the Ground - WPR opinion



Latin America Offers Refuge from Financial Crisis - VS

Tunnel-Detection Tech at US-Mexico border: Worth the Effort? - CSM

Smugglers Use Cell Phones To Guide Immigrants To US - FOX

Colombia FARC Rebel Radio Station 'Shut Down' by Army - BBC

Venezuela: Reports of Chávez's Illness Cloud Campaign - WSJ

Amid Economic Reforms, Cuba Goes After Corruption - SFC

US Should Look Both East and South - MH opinion


Asia Pacific

In Asia, Obama Keeps Focus Off Terrorism - LAT

In Asia-Pacific, a Determined Obama - WP

Obama Gets Little Pushback on Asia Trip - AP

Obama and Asian Leaders Confront China’s Premier - NYT

US Praises China on Sea Disputes - BBC

China Rebuffs US, Asia Pressure in Sea Dispute - Reuters

China Constructive in Talks About Disputed Waters - AP

Tibetans in China Seek Fiery Way Out of Despair - Reuters

UN Supports Burma's Selection to Chair ASEAN - VOA

Emboldened by Obama, Burma Maps Out Plans - Reuters

Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Leaves Behind Wasteland - WP

Japan: Studies Detail Post-Fukushima Radioactivity Levels - LAT

Calm in Philippines After Ex-Leader's Arrest - AP

President Obama in Asia - NYT editorial

Has the US Made China Conflict Inevitable? - FT opinion



Germans Ask 'How' as Neo-Nazi Crimes Unfold - AP

France's Far-Right Candidate Unveils Vision - AP

Spanish Voters Head to the Polls - BBC

Spain Prepares for General Elections - AP

Spanish Voters Set to Throw Out Socialists - Reuters

Gul Says Turkey Can Be EU's 'Growth Engine' - Reuters


South Asia

India's Latest Gandhi Has Lots at Stake in Key State Elections - LAT

Nepal Ex-Rebels Decide Future After 5 Years in Camps - AP