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The Mad Scientist Initiative Kicking Off The Fall 2017 Call For Ideas

09.08.2017 at 05:38pm

The Mad Scientist Initiative Kicking Off The Fall 2017 Call For Ideas

Deadline: 01 December 2017

Topic: Soldier 2050

We want your ideas! The Mad Scientist Initiative uses storytelling and crowd-sourcing to imagine potential futures.

You can share your ideas by submitting  papers, artwork, videos, and games.

Choose your creative methods:

(1) Researched Topics (see topics of interest in the attachment)
(2) “A Soldier’s Letter from the Frontline”

War is a human endeavor. The convergence of bio, nano, quantum, neuro, and information macro trends will change the character of war and how Soldiers will train, deploy, and fight.

Submissions must be unclassified, unpublished, and cleared by public affairs office and operations security managers (USG & as applicable).

(1) Research papers: max 5000 words/12 point font.
(2) “A Soldier’s Letter from the Frontline” – max 2000 words/12 point font; video length max 5 minutes.

These questions are writing prompts and should not limit your imagination and creativity:

Prompt 1: How does the convergence of bio, quantum, neuro, nano, and information change warfare?
Prompt 2: How will the Soldier of 2050 interact with their equipment, fellow Soldiers, and autonomous capabilities?
Prompt 3: Soldiers’ letters have been a window into warfare for hundreds of years. How do Soldiers describe their units, equipment, and war to their loved ones in 2050?

BEST IDEAS will get you:

(1) Publication in a military or academic journal
(2) Invited to speak at a Mad Scientist Conference
(3) Mad Scientist SWAG

If you have questions about the topics or submission guidelines contact Allison Winer at <[email protected]>

The Mad Scientist Initiative Kicking Off The Fall 2017 Call For Ideas

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