Small Wars Journal

Return of the News Roundup (Updated)

Mon, 12/22/2014 - 1:59pm

[Re-]introducing the SWJ News Roundup.

You may have mourned the death of the Early Bird, but at least there was the SWJ Daily News Roundup published as a post in the SWJ Blog. Then we went and changed that, replacing it with the SWJ News Front Page. While many like the editor-managed category view and pseudo Drudge/RCP interface there, others missed the simplicity of that daily blog post. Well, it's back. Sort of.

The Lazarus variation of the News Roundup shows all the news headlines added to SWJ in the last 24/72 hours (you decide). Unlike the old static blog posts, this new page will update throughout the day as we add items of interest and as time ticks by.

We hope this helps SWJ News be your Go To destination for all the goings on of interest to the small wars community, and think the Roundup nicely complements the views we rolled out about two months ago -- the News Front Page showing featured categories with their most recent headlines, ann the ability to drill further back through the All Categories page and through the featured category links.