Small Wars Journal

Blog Posts

SWJ Blog is a multi-author blog publishing news and commentary on the various goings on across the broad community of practice.  We gladly accept guest posts from serious voices in the community.

by Voice of America | Wed, 09/23/2015 - 1:42pm | 3 comments

"Afghanistan's government says it has undertaken 'serious measures' to enforce the law and prevent sexual abuse committed by local police commanders against children."

by Association of the United States Army | Wed, 09/23/2015 - 10:30am | 1 comment

"Whether the primary mission is combat, humanitarian assistance, counterinsurgency or other, Soldiers and leaders need a robust and varied set of capabilities, especially mission command."

by The Washington Post | Wed, 09/23/2015 - 2:22am | 1 comment

"While the Obama administration haggles over Syria strategy, a Kurdish militia that claims more than 25,000 fighters is poised several dozen miles north of the IS capital."

by DoD News | Wed, 09/23/2015 - 1:06am | 2 comments

Dempsey Discusses Unsettled, Unpredictable World Situation and Dempsey Talks Caution, Whole-of-Government Approach.

by SWJ Editors | Tue, 09/22/2015 - 9:00am | 7 comments

"I have personally spoken with President Ghani on this issue and he made it clear to me that the Afghan government will not tolerate the abuse of its children."

by National Defense University Press | Tue, 09/22/2015 - 2:25am | 1 comment

Continue on for "Lessons Encountered: Learning From the Long War", a National Defense University Press online book.

by SWJ Editors | Mon, 09/21/2015 - 8:51am | 196 comments

"In what surely is the most cringe-worthy excuse offered by a commander-in-chief, President Obama complained that his critics - whom he routinely ignored and scorned - forced him to make a mess of Syria."

by SWJ Editors | Mon, 09/21/2015 - 3:27am | 0 comments

"Rebels who have inflicted big losses on Syrian President Assad say Russia's intervention in support of its ally will only lead to an escalation of the war."

by SWJ Editors | Sun, 09/20/2015 - 5:58pm | 0 comments

"Al-Qaeda’s strategy is better positioned for the long term, though IS’s emergence has placed significant pressures on al-Qaeda’s network."

by SWJ Editors | Sun, 09/20/2015 - 4:03pm | 5 comments

"Soldiers and Marines have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them and placing them as the commanders of villages."

by SWJ Editors | Sun, 09/20/2015 - 3:30am | 1 comment

"Bergdahl left his outpost in the middle of the night intending to run 20 miles to another base, hoping to tell a commander there about leadership problems in his platoon."

by SWJ Editors | Sun, 09/20/2015 - 2:51am | 0 comments

"Attacking the motives of Marine officials was out of line, opening the secretary up to charges that his decisions are being shaped by politics."

by SWJ Editors | Sat, 09/19/2015 - 11:06am | 0 comments

This announcement is on behalf of the Special Operations Research Association. Continue on for details.

by SWJ Editors | Sat, 09/19/2015 - 4:51am | 3 comments

"The refugee crisis roiling Europe presents a win-win opportunity for Islamic State extremists, says international terrorism research consultancy TRAC."

by SWJ Editors | Sat, 09/19/2015 - 4:18am | 0 comments

"Europe is only now being forced to take seriously the refugee crisis that’s been roiling the Mideast and North Africa."

by SWJ Editors | Fri, 09/18/2015 - 4:34pm | 0 comments

"Japan’s Upper House of Parliament passed security measures that ease some restrictions placed upon the military by the country’s post-World War II pacifist constitution."

by SWJ Editors | Fri, 09/18/2015 - 11:24am | 1 comment

"The CSIS Federated Defense Project has released a report that examines the potential for a federated defense approach to U.S. action in the Middle East."

by SWJ Editors | Fri, 09/18/2015 - 8:25am | 0 comments

Updated throughout the day (and night), 7 days a week. Check it out.

by SWJ Editors | Thu, 09/17/2015 - 4:58pm | 4 comments

“Jihadi fighters in Iraq and Syria reveal the apocalyptic motivations of the militant movement that has hijacked the Syrian uprising – and transformed the Middle East.”

by SWJ Editors | Thu, 09/17/2015 - 4:32am | 1 comment

"A government watchdog agency is concerned that the Pentagon is buying and sending an inordinate amount of weapons and equipment to Afghan Security forces."

by SWJ Editors | Thu, 09/17/2015 - 3:22am | 0 comments

"The Massachusetts National Guard has been selected as the U.S. partner for the Republic of Kenya as part of the Defense Department’s State Partnership Program."

by SWJ Editors | Wed, 09/16/2015 - 5:05pm | 0 comments

"The tiny number of fighters are part of the New Syrian Force, the byproduct of a $500-million-dollar train and equip program."

by Dave Dilegge | Wed, 09/16/2015 - 11:08am | 2 comments

Millions of Central Americans live outside their countries, with 80 percent living in the US, according to research into the connections between food insecurity, violence, and migration.

by SWJ Editors | Wed, 09/16/2015 - 9:34am | 5 comments

"Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh has heard one too many times that his service doesn't care about close-air support missions."

by SWJ Editors | Wed, 09/16/2015 - 5:04am | 0 comments

“The disturbing reports of homemade mustard gas being used by so-called Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, while shocking, should come as no surprise.”