Small Wars Journal

General David Petraeus / Ambassador Ryan Crocker Testimony (Updated 14 April)

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 4:34am

Multi-National Force Iraq (MNF-I) - Official Web Site

General David Petraeus - Official Biography

US Embassy, Baghdad - Official Web Site

Ambassador Ryan Crocker - Official Biography

Transcripts / Briefing Slides

Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq - General David Petraeus

Testimony to Senate Foreign Relations Committee - Ambassador Ryan Crocker

Testimony to Senate Armed Services Committee - Ambassador Ryan Crocker

Testimony of General David H. Petraeus - Briefing Charts

Skelton Delivers Opening Remarks - Washington Post transcript

Petraeus Testifies at House Hearing - Washington Post transcript

Crocker's Opening Remarks at House Hearing - Washington Post transcript


General Petraeus gives his opening statement before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

General David Petraeus calls it battlefield geometry - determining the strength and positioning of U.S. forces across Iraq.

Charlie Rose Show - Senator Jack Reed, Jack Keane, Senator Jeff Sessions - A discussion about General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker's testimony on Iraq.

Charlie Rose Show - A discussion about day two of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker's testimony on Iraq with John Burns and Dexter Filkins, both of The New York Times.

In 9 April 2008 testimony, General David Petraeus discusses the reasons for war, al Qaeda, and the definition of success in Iraq.

News Reports / Analysis

No Further Reduction of Troops in Iraq - Meyers and Shanker, New York Times

Bush Supports Pause in Iraq Drawdown - Baker and DeYoung, Washington Post

Gates and Petraeus Differ over Troop Levels - Spiegel and Barnes, Los Angeles Times

No Sign of Large Iraq Troop Withdrawals - David Stout, New York Times

Stresses Still High on US Military - Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor

Bush Announces Shorter Deployments - James Gerstenzang, Los Angeles Times

Bush to Cut Army Tours to 12 Months - Baker and Weisman, Washington Post

Bleak Assessment of Iraq Military - Meyers and Shanker, New York Times

Petraeus Resists More Troop Pullouts - Farah Stockman, Boston Globe

More Skepticism Voiced at House Hearing - Brian Knowlton, New York Times

General Gets Unfriendly GOP Fire - Dana Milbank, Washington Post

Eyes on '08 Field - Gail Russell Chaddock, Christian Science Monitor

Next President and US Footprint - Abramowitz and DeYoung, Washington Post

A Plea From Petraeus - Baker and Weisman, Washington Post

Bush Ready to Back General Petraeus - Tim Reid, London Times

Testimony Off the Radar of Most in Baghdad - Amit Paley, Washington Post

Petraeus Urges 45-Day Halt - Meyers and Shanker, New York Times

Petraeus Warns of Iraq Backslide - Carter and Miller, Washington Times

Reassess Iraq Before Further Cuts - Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor

Frustrated Senators See No Exit Signs - DeYoung and Ricks, Washington Post

Candidates Hear What They Want to Hear - Donald Lambro, Washington Times

Candidates Stay on Message - Elizabeth Holmes, Wall Street Journal

Antiwar Lawmakers Waiting on November - Noam Levey, Los Angeles Times

Testimony Before Impatient Lawmakers - Karen DeYoung, Washington Post

Testimony Met with Praise, Skepticism - Michaels and Jackson, USA Today

Surging General Petraeus - Andy Solis, New York Post

Petraeus Takes Fight to Next US President - Reid and Hider, London Times

Hearing Intrudes in Sadr City, if Power Lasts - Michael Gordon, New York Times

A Chance to Explain Iraq Views - Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times

Bush Listens Closely To His Man in Iraq - Michael Abramowitz, Washington Post

Congress To Hear Of Gains In Iraq - Karen DeYoung, Washington Post

With War in Senate Spotlight - Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times

Soldiers on Ground Offer Mixed Assessment - Richard Tomkins, Washington Times

Sustaining Troop Mumbers in Iraq - Tim Reid, London Times

Petraeus' Return Promises Political Drama - Spiegel and Barnes, Los Angeles Times

Petraeus Likely to Push for Flexibility - Jim Michaels, USA Today

Petraeus, Crocker to Face Scrutiny on War - Miller and Carter, Washington Times

Why Drawdown Likely to Stop in July - Howard Lafranchi, Christian Science Monitor


Ambassador Crocker's Warnings - Washington Times editorial

National Security is the Issue - David Limbaugh, Washington Times

Exposing a Blind Spot - Donald Lambro, Washington Times

Heroes and Horoscopes - Oliver North, Washington Times

A Century or Worse? - Clifford May, Washington Times

Surrender Syndrome - James Lyons, Washington Times

War at the Pentagon - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post

Iraq: All the Time He Needs - New York Times editorial

The Question Petraeus Can't Answer - David Broder, Washington Post

Let's 'Surge' Some More - Michael Yon, Wall Street Journal

Petraeus's Policy Quandary - Jed Babbin, Human Events

Perseverance Pays Off in Baghdad - Melik Kaylan, Wall Street Journal

Progress, Actually - Frederick Kagan, Weekly Standard

The Sound Bite War - William Murchison, Washington Times

They Really Do Plan to Surrender - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Standard

Vultures of the Left - Dean Barnett, Weekly Standard

Pause vs. Drawdown? - USA Today editorial

The Petraeus-Crocker Report - Washington Times editorial

Iraq's Realities - Christian Science Monitor editorial

Reality Check - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial

The Wartime Economy - Los Angeles Times editorial

Executing the Mission Statement - David French, National Review

Resolve and Commitment - Cal Thomas, Washington Times

Turning No Corners - E. J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post

Petraeus' 'Anaconda' - Austin Bay, Washington Times

A Hundred Years of War? - Clifford May, National Review

Assessing the Surge - Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal

UK Not Wanted by Iraqis, Time to Go - Con Coughlin, London Daily Telegraph

No Answers, No Goals, No Exit - Boston Globe editorial

What Next for Iraq? - Harlan Ullman, Washington Times

What I Heard at the Hearings - John Cornyn, National Review

Are We Closer to "Victory"? - Joe Conason, Real Clear Politics

Stonewall Petraeus - Fred Kaplan, Slate

Iraq's National Identity Alive and Growing - Samir Sumaida'ie, Wall Street Journal

Sacrificed to the Surge - Spring and Kaplow, Newsweek

Cost of Not Liberating Iraq - James Pethokoukis, US News and World Report

Obama's Iraq Weakness - Michael Gerson, Washington Post

Iraq Report Redux - Washington Post editorial

'See No Progress' - Wall Street Journal editorial

Petraeus Patience - National Review editorial

Modest Progress, Absence of Accountability - USA Today editorial

Staying in Iraq for Proxy War - Los Angeles Times editorial

Never-ending War - Baltimore Sun editorial

Petraeus' Assessment - Philadelphia Inquirer editorial

Fate of Iraq Under General Petraeus - London Daily Telegraph editorial

Iran At the Heart of Iraq - David Ignatius, Real Clear Politics

No Clear Way Forward or Out - Michael Goodwin, New York Daily News

Iraq's Real Gains - Barham Salih, Washington Post

Iraq Policy Needs Clarifying - Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer

The Price of the Surge - Steven Simon, Real Clear Politics

A Sense of Exhaustion - Michael Hirsh, Newsweek

Nobody Puts Petraeus in a Corner - Mark Hemingway, National Review

More Troops or Fewer Troops? - Bronwen Maddox, London Times

Iraq Proposal Likely to Roil Campaign - Yochi Drezean, Wall Street Journal

Messages For and From the Media - Tony Blankley, Washington Times

Assessing the War - Gartenstein-Ross and Roggio, Weekly Standard

Petraeus' Anaconda Strategy - Austin Bay, Real Clear Poltics

The Hallmark of the Iraq Debate - Gerard Baker, London Times

Toil and Trouble - Maureen Dowd, New York Times

More Time for More of the Same? - New York Times editorial

The Petraeus Effect - Wall Street Journal editorial

Fruits of the Surge - Washington Times editorial

The Sergeant Solution - Robert Scales, Wall Street Journal

Why Iraq Matters - Frederick Kagan, National Review

Beyond 'Benchmarks' - Rich Lowry, National Review

Back From Iraq, Again Facing Fire - New York Times op-ed series

Focus on Iraq and the Future - Tulin Daloglu, Washington Times

Resist the Urge to Leave Iraq - Max Boot, Los Angeles Times

Buying Time in Iraq - H.D.S. Greenway, Boston Globe

Iraq Testimony: Required Reading - Frank Gaffney, Jr., Washington Times

Shifting War Rhetoric - Hegseth and Bellavia, Washington Times

Iraq and Its Costs - Lieberman and Graham, Wall Street Journal

Blog Reports / Opinions

Liveblogging the Iraqi Hearings - Tom Ricks, Washington Post

Equally Dangerous - Abu Muqawama, Abu Muqawama

The Morning After - Abu Muqawama, Abu Muqawama

After Petraeus, a Growing Divide - Ben Pershing, Washington Post

The Anaconda Chart - Austin Bay, Austin Bay

Bush's Stubborn Strategy - Phillip Carter, Intel Dump

Missed Historical Analogy - Abu Muqawama, Abu Muqawama

Stupid Question - Jules Crittenden, Forward Movement

Petraeus Overplays His Hand - Phillip Carter, Intel Dump

Of Swine, Hyenas and Generals - Herschel Smith, The Captain's Journal

What, No Bruce Willis Ending? - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

Petraeus, Crocker, and God in the Dock - Abu Muqawama, Abu Muqawama

Previewing Petraeus and Crocker - Phillip Carter, Intel Dump

How to Testify Before Congress - Westhawk, Westhawk

"Failure of Leadership" - Jules Crittenden, Forward Movement

MEP Thinking Strategically About Iraq - Marc Lynch, Abu Aardvark

Knowledge Before Spin - Steve Schippert, Threats Watch

General Petraeus Supplement Post - Blackfive, Blackfive

What do You Want to Know? - Soldier's Mom, Mudville Gazette

Snakes on the Plane - Richard Fernandez, The Belmont Club

"People Hearing without Listening" - Richard Fernandez, The Belmont Club

If You Missed Today's Testimony... - Noah Shachtman, Danger Zone

Iraq by the Numbers: April 2008 - Bill Roggio, Long War Journal

Petraeus Advisor Colonel Derek Harvey - Herschel Smith, The Captain's Journal

The Supplemental Information - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

A Debate On The Surge - Max Boot, Commentary

After the Fire - James Taranto, Wall Street Journal