Small Wars Journal

8/12/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 08/12/2022 - 5:27pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1.  Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, August 11 (Putin's War)

2. Breadbasket Diplomacy: Preserving Wheat as a Tool of American Statecraft

3. People Win Wars: A 2022 Reality Check on PLA Enlisted Force and Related Matters

4. How Putin’s Ukraine War Has Only Made Russia More Reliant on China

5. The big Taiwan question, as China issues warnings and holds military drills: Is a Chinese invasion imminent?

6. The Other Ukrainian Army

7. Russia Can’t Fight a War and Still Arm the World

8. On Taiwan, China meets its ‘gray-zone’ warfare match

9. FDD | Time for Change at the UN’s Human Rights Division

10. Time for Israel to pivot away from Beijing - opinion

11.  Five Minutes from Disaster (Iran)

12. Recruitment is now a real threat to a frail force facing formidable foes

13. How Things Could Have Gone Wrong – and Still Can – in the Taiwan Strait

14. Observations on Iran’s Plot to Kill John Bolton

15.  Did Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Close the Thucydides Trap?

16. US foreign arms sales spike to nearly $20B in the dog days of summer

17. Will the Crimea explosions escalate the Ukraine war?

18. China and Russia Can't Be Ignored by the West Anymore

19. The New ‘Monuments Officers’ Prepare to Protect Art Amid War

20. U.S. Secretly Bolstered Security at Federal Buildings Against Possible Iranian Attacks After Soleimani Killing

21. Xi Jinping’s Reach Exceeds His Grasp

22. Rhythm of War: A Thunderous Blast, and Then a Coffee Break

23. Alleged Tornado Cash developer arrested in Amsterdam

24. China’s growing reach is transforming a Pacific island chain

25. How does use of ‘ninja missile’ change counterterrorism?

26. Here are the veterans who will benefit from Congress’ sweeping toxic exposure bill

27. The Army is making its first uniform bra. Vets say it’s long overdue.

28. Scandals in US adviser brigade alarm leaders behind closed doors

29. 'Founded on a culture of excellence': New Fort Bragg commander to oversee training of special operation forces


Korean News Content:

1. South Korea to pardon Samsung’s Lee, other corporate giants

2. Lee Jae-yong: Why South Korea just pardoned the Samsung 'prince'

3. Seoul Must Not Yield to Chinese Bullying

4. Beijing's double standard

5. Yoon, US senator meet to discuss alliance

6. Kim Yo Jong: COVID-19 introduced to N. Korea due to propaganda leaflets

7. Yoon to hold press conference to mark 100 days in office

8. U.N. chief voices support for complete denuclearization of N. Korea

9. Unification ministry expresses regret over 'groundless claims' on origin of its COVID-19 outbreak

10. China’s live ammo drills off South Korea are part of effort to control seas

11.  N. Hamgyong Province imposes quasi-taxes on Kimchaek residents for new construction project

12. S. Korea, US to hold high-level defense talks on alliance deterrence against N. Korea

13. South Korea to Join US-Led Weapons of Mass Destruction Drill

14. North Korea Declares Victory Over Covid, Hints Kim Jong Un Was Infected

15. ROK-US alliance well on track, but real tests yet to come

16. North Korean soldiers ordered to harvest grass for compost in spare time

17. Did Kim Jong-un Have COVID?

18. Many farms in S. Pyongan Province damaged by unusually hot and wet weather

19. Kim Yo Jong Targets South Korean Leaflets as Root Cause of North’s COVID-19 Pandemic


يُمكن القضاء على الصراصير من خلال المُبيدات الحشرية الكيميائية جاهزة الصنع، والتي يُنصح بقراءة التعليمات المدوّنة عليها قبل استخدامها، حيث ترشد بعضها بإزالة مصادر الطعام والأدوات المنزليّة؛ حتى لا تتلوث بها، ولتسهيل رشها واستخدامها وزيادة فعاليتها، منها: البخاخات: تُرش هذه البخاخات في أماكن تواجد ومرور الصراصير، وتحت الثلاجات والخزائن، إضافةً لرش مناطق وجود برازها، ويُنصح بعدم رش الألواح والجدران والأسقف التي لا تنتشر فيها الصراصير بكثرةٍ، بل التركيز على أماكنها المُفضّلة. المساحيق: توجد بعض المبيدات الحشرية الصناعيّة على شكل مساحيقٍ، أو غبار، ويدخل في تكوينها حمض البوريك، وتراب المشطورات، وتعمل هذه المواد من خلال الالتصاق بجسم الصراصير، والدخول إليه عندما تتناول الحشرة غذائها عبر الأجزاء الهوائية والسيقان، ويمتاز حمض البوريك بدوام فاعليّته مدّة من الزمن، مع مراعاة عدم وصول المياه له، إضافةً لرش طبقة خفيفة جداً منه؛ لأنّ الصراصير تتجنب السير فوق التراكمات والطبقات السميكة

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