Small Wars Journal

7/16/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 11:11am

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National Security News Content:

1. Rest of World Watches U.S. Turmoil With Growing Alarm
2. China’s Economy Is in Trouble. Xi Jinping Has Other Priorities.
3. China Puts Power of State Behind AI—and Risks Strangling It
4. To Target a Top Militant, Israel Rained Down Eight Tons of Bombs
5. The World Is Pushing Clean Energy. Oil Companies Are Thriving.
6. Israel's Fragile North and the Art of 'Intelligence' Diplomacy
7. U.S. Strategic Culture, Homeland Ballistic Missile Defense, and Mutual Vulnerability
8. Tactical Brilliance, Strategic Blindness: The Surge & The Limits of Counterinsurgency in Ira
9. The Emerging Nuclear Scenario
10. Japan reemerges as an Asia-Pacific military power
11. The Secret Service Failed. What’s That Have to Do with DEI?
12. Biden nominates one of Austin’s top military advisers to lead US Army Pacific
13. After attempted Trump assassination, veteran groups urge calm
14. Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems and more F-16 warplanes, President Zelenskyy says
15. ‘Why?’ Presidential assassins rarely have ‘political’ motives
16. Deep Strikes into Russia: A Partner’s Decision for Ukraine’s Strategic Success
17. Geography Is a Dealbreaker for Coalition Building in Asia
18. Why Iran’s New President Won’t Change His Country
19. For the Rest of the World, the U.S. President Has Always Been Above the Law
20. CIA director says Hamas leader is facing growing pressure from his own commanders to end Gaza war

Korean News Content:

1. Yoon says S. Korea-U.S. alliance elevated to 'nuclear-based' one
2. U.N. report condemns N. Korea's 'extensive, multilayered' system of forced labor
3. The Emerging Nuclear Scenario
4. Geography Is a Dealbreaker for Coalition Building in Asia
5. N. Korean leader's sister warns of 'gruesome' consequences over anti-Pyongyang leaflets
6. FM Cho expresses hope for cooperation between S. Korea's new space agency, NASA
7. North Korean diplomat commended by Kim Jong Un defects to South Korea
8. Washington and Korean Reunification: What Can America Do?
9. <Inside N. Korea>Decreasing number of train riders leads to fall in train services…government focuses on using trains for freight transportation
10. Setting the right level of ambition for Korea- China relations
11. Exclusive: "North Korea has no hope under Kim Jong-un's regime"