Small Wars Journal

6/15/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 11:47am

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National Security News Content:

1. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 14, 2024
2. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, June 14, 2024
3. The Army's Recruiting Problem Is Male
4. Voice of America Ignored For 3 Days House Foreign Affairs Committee Report Alleging ‘Culture of Corruption’ Allowed by Senior USAGM Executives
5. Rare criticism of Hamas emerges from within Gaza amid ceasefire talks
6. Gen Z Palestinians See Door Slamming Shut on Coexistence With Israel
7. Can the Constitution Reconcile America?
8. Presidential election a prime target for foreign disinformation, intelligence officials say
9. The Matthew Miller deepfake has the attributes of Russia’s information warfare
10. From USSR Propaganda to Modern Russian Information Warfare: Racial Issues Now and Then
11. Faking an honest woman: Why Russia, China and Big Tech all use faux females to get clicks
12. 2024 U.S. Federal Elections: The Insider Threat  
13. ‘Shoot and Scoot’ – War in Ukraine Overturns Another Conventional Tenet of War
14. A Reimagined G7
15.  Force Design 2030: Operational Incompetence
16. Merlin cuts co-pilot from flying C-130J with new AI tool
17. For Hamas, Everything Is Going According to Plan
18.  On writing strategies. by Sir Lawrence Freedman
19. The U.S. Invasion of Iraq: Strategic Analysis and Consequences
20. How the Sino-American rivalry is reshaping the world order

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korean military's construction activities spotted inside DMZ: source
2. U.S. House passes annual defense policy bill including USFK troop maintenance
3. Yoon stresses need for 'strong power' on anniv. of inter-Korean naval skirmish
4. S. Korea, Japan, China hold education ministerial talks on cooperation, exchanges
5. Opposition leader calls for inter-Korean talks amid tensions
6. G7 leaders condemn N.K.-Russia military cooperation in 'strongest possible terms'
7. US calls on N. Korea to stop provocative acts, reaffirms security commitment to S. Korea
8. Unification ministry holds talks with anti-Pyongyang leafleting group
9. U.S. commits to pursuit of 'mutually beneficial' defense cost-sharing deal with Korea
10. South Koreans express mixed feelings over balloon warfare with North Korea
11. U.S., South Korea hold emergency call over Putin visit to North Korea
12. Issues and Insights Volume 24, WP 4 – North Korea is Winning the Information War
13. Envisioning a democratic Northeast Asia