Small Wars Journal

21 September SWJ Roundup

Wed, 09/21/2011 - 5:12am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


Bomber Kills Former Afghan President and Peace Council Chief - VOA

Rabbani Killed in Attack on Home, Blow to Peace Process - NYT

Former President Assassinated in Kabul - WP

Former Afghan President Rabbani Assassinated - LAT

Top Afghan Peace Negotiator, a Former President, Killed - WSJ

Ex-Afghan President Killed in Bomb Attack - WT

Afghan Peace Talks Head 'Killed' - BBC

Turban Bomber Kills Former President - TT

Head of Peace Negotiations Killed by Suicide Bomber - S&S

Ex-Afghan President Rabbani Killed - AP

Afghan Peace Council Head Killed in Kabul - Reuters

Killing of Former Afghan President Imperils Peace Talks - CSM

Rabbani Killing Plunges Peace Effort into Crisis - TG

Ex-Afghan Leader's Assassin Waited Days to See Him - AP

Slain Afghan Ex-President Sought Peace - AP

Obama, Karzai Vow Undeterred Effort in Afghanistan - AFPS

Obama, Karzai Say Undeterred by Killing of Rabbani - Reuters

On Peace Day, Afghans Bury Murdered Peace Broker - Reuters

Afghans Mourn Peace Envoy Rabbani - BBC

Mullen: US, Afghans Must Adjust to Taliban Shift - AP

US, Other Donors Supported 90% of Afghan Budget - WP

The Private Worry of US Marines in Afghanistan - AP

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS



US Issues Sharp Warning to Pakistan - WP

Mullen, Days From Retirement, Still Pressing Pakistan to Fight - S&S

US Says Pakistan's ISI Using Group for 'Proxy War' - Reuters

US, Pakistan Agree to Limit American Troops - AP

Dozens of Pilgrims On Bus Are Killed In Pakistan Attack - NYT

Gunmen Attack Shiite Pilgrims in Pakistan; 26 Dead - AP

Deadly Gun Attack on Pakistan Bus - BBC

Pakistan Group Admits Bus Attack - BBC

Pakistani Killer Mob Members Get Death Sentence  - AP

Death Penalty for Seven Who Killed Teenagers - BBC

Changing Direction of US-Pakistan Relations - LAT opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Abbas Pushes Ahead With UN Bid for Palestinian State - VOA

Palestinians Relentless in Push for UN Membership - AP

Palestinians Claim Close to Votes Needed - TT

Palestinians Confident on UN Vote, but Veto Looms - Reuters

Palestinians Take to Streets Ahead of UN Statehood Bid - JP

Palestinians Show Support for Abbas' Statehood Bid - AP

UN May Delay Vote on Palestinian Statehood Application - LAT

Obama to Address Conflict at UN - WP

Obama to Meet Palestinian Leader Amid UN Crisis - Reuters

US Tries to Keep Peace Process alive - CSM

Palestinians, US at Odds Over UN Bid for Statehood - Reuters

Perry: Obama ‘Appeasement’ Hurts Israel in Palestinian Clash - WY

Israel Presses Palestinians to Resume Talks, Warns of Funds Cut - Bloomberg

Israel Says May Hold Palestinian Taxes on UN Bid - Reuters

Israel PM Not Expecting 'Warm Welcome' - Haaretz

French Want Palestinians to Drop UN Membership Bid - AP

Long-Shot Scenario to Avoid Mideast Diplomatic Clash - Reuters

Palestinian UN Bid: Key Moves to Watch For - CSM

Obama’s Palestine - WT editorial

The Coming UN Debacle - LAT opinion



At UN, Nations Pledge Support to Libya's Transitional Leaders -VOA

Obama Praises Libya’s Post-Qaddafi Leaders at UN - NYT

Obama: Libya an International Model - WT

Obama Anoints New Libyan Government - WP

AU, S. Africa Recognize Libya's NTC - Reuters

Council Head Vows New Libya Will Work for Peace - AP

US Calls Libya 'Lesson' in International Unity - VOA

Libya to Name New Government Within 10 Days - Reuters

Panetta: 12 More US Troops Sent to Libya - AP

Rebels Offer Assurances to Kadafi Stronghold - LAT

Gaddafi Bastion Sabha Falls to Interim Forces - Reuters

Qaddafi Assails New Libya Government - NYT

Libyans Flee Siege in Gadhafi's Hometown of Sirte - AP

Children of the Revolution - WP



Iraq Joins Calls for Assad to Step Down in Syria - NYT

Syrian Activists Defiant but Frustrated - Reuters

Syrian Forces Kill Three in Raids, Two Police Shot - Reuters



Mullen: US Down to 30,000 by End of Month - S&S

Twin Suicide Bombings Kill 4 in West Iraq - AP

Four Killed in Ramadi Attack - WP



Latest Violence Stems from Three-way Power Struggle - LAT

Prospect of Civil War Draws Closer in Yemen - AP

In Bid to Revive Protests, Yemenis Rush to Martyrdom - Reuters

Yemen Scrambles for Ceasefire as Death Toll Rises - Reuters

Mortars Fall on Yemeni Capital as Battles Continue - NYT

Yemen VP Calls for Cease-fire Amid Deadly Unrest - CNN

'Ceasefire' Halts Yemen Fighting - BBC



Iran to Release US Hikers on Wednesday - Reuters

Iran Won't 'Retaliate' for Nuclear Scientist Killings - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Obama to Meet Middle East Leaders - BBC

G8 Meets to Cement Arab Spring Transition Plan - Reuters

Rulers Secure in 1st Post-Spring Votes - AP

Bahrain Protesters Clog Roads in Pre-election Act - AP

WikiLeaks: Al-Jazeera Director Stepping Down - AP

WikiLeaks: Head of Arab Broadcaster Al Jazeera Resigns - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


Al Qaeda

US Assembling Ring of Secret Drone Bases - WP


US Department of Defense

Panetta: Budget Cuts Will Boost Risk to Nation at War - AFPS

Donley: Air Force Must Strike Balance in Budget - AFPS

Okinawa Governor Insists Futenma Must Relocate Off Island - S&S

Naval Postgraduate School Explores Next-level Telemedicine - AFPS

Pentagon Ends ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - WP

Repeal Ends Decades-long Fight Against DADT - S&S

Military Warned Not to Harass Openly Homosexual Troops - WT


United States

Obama Administration Insists on Guantanamo Closure - AP

How Many Security Clearances Have Been Issued? - WP

Plummeting US Satellite to Hit Earth Friday - VOA


United Nations

Libya, Palestinian Statehood to Top UN General Assembly Agenda - VOA


International Monetary Fund

IMF: World Economy Entering 'Dangerous New Phase' - VOA

IMF: World Economy in 'Dangerous Phase' - BBC



Somali Pirates Appeal Conviction in US Court - AP

From the Shabab in Somalia, Unusual Prizes for Children - NYT

Cell Phones May Be New Tool vs. Somalia Famine - Reuters

Nigeria Plans to Build Nuclear Power Plants - CSM

For Zimbabwe Premier, Optimism and Caution - NYT

Zimbabwe Nuns, Priests Evicted, Orphanage Seized - AP

Kenya Violence Case at The Hague - BBC

Some Violence Mars Voting in Parts of Zambia - AP



Pena Nieto Announces Run for Mexico Presidency - AP

Mexico Says Top Criminal Gang Figure Captured - LAT

Mexico Says Key Drug Cartel Figure Arrested - AP

35 Bodies Dumped on Busy Street in Mexico - LAT

Bodies of 35 People Abandoned in Trucks in Mexico - BBC

Bulk of Mexican Crimes Never Reported - Reuters

Mexico to Lessen Terrorism Charge in Twitter Case - AP

Venezuela Attorney General Criticizes Rights Court - AP

Chavez Foe: Venezuela Must Accept Court Ruling - AP


Asia Pacific

Outgoing 2ID Commander Recalls Tensions over N. Korea - S&S

N. Korea Escapees Tell of Atrocities in Labor Camps - WT

New Hopes for Resumption of N. Korea Nuclear Talks - AP

S. Korean Religious Leaders Heading to N. Korea - AP

US Urges China to Lower Trade Barriers - VOA

US Envoy Urges China to Relax Business Restrictions - NYT

Japan Says No Loss of Key Defense Data in Cyberattack - AP

Powerful Typhoon Roke Hits Japan - BBC

US-Taiwan F-16 Sale Sims at Compromise - AP

White House Bickering and Taiwan’s F-16s - WT opinion



Europe’s Defense Chief Echoes Gates’ Speech - WT

UK Police Get More Time to Quiz 6 Terror Suspects - AP

Turkey's Tough Foreign Policy Talk May Backfire - Reuters

Turkish Bomb Blast in Ankara Kills 3, Injures 15 - VOA

Explosions in Turkish Capital Believed to Be Terrorism - NYT

Car Bomb Kills 3, Wounds 34 in Turkey's Capital - AP

Obama Talks With Erdogan, Condemns Bombing in Turkey - Reuters

Turkey’s Leadership - NYT editorial


South Asia

Death Toll at 81 for Quake in India, Nepal, China - AP

India Struggles over Quake Relief  - BBC

Sri Lanka's Half Million Mines Will Take a Decade to Clear - Reuters