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The Russians are Providing Weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan But No One is Listening

04.06.2018 at 05:36pm

The Russians are Providing Weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan But No One is Listening by Carmen Gentile – USA Today

Our war in Afghanistan is still going on, thousands are dying but people stopped paying attention. Trump is doing bare minimum and Russia is involved.

It’s a problem without an apparent solution, one most Americans have forgotten and the rest wish they could. 

While we occupy ourselves with allegations of alleged dalliances with porn stars and the ever-rotating caste of White House characters, the violence in Afghanistan continues leaves thousands dead and maimed every year. 

And yes, American troops are among those still killed and injured over there. 

Lawmakers in Washington sometimes address the Afghanistan situation, though rarely do enough to make a difference. They’d gladly tackle the one of the more complex conflicts of our time if only it didn’t cost them a red cent of political capital…

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