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12/21/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

12.21.2021 at 02:18pm

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National Security News Content:

1. Buying Influence: How China Manipulates Facebook and Twitter
2. Opinion | The Biden administration weighs backing Ukraine insurgents if Russia invades
3. On Ukraine’s front, a real war overshadows worries about a possible future one with Russia
4. The Fallen Mercenaries in Russia’s Dark Army
5.  Department of Defense Releases Report on Countering Extremist Activities and Outlines Next
6. Pentagon issues rules aimed at stopping rise of extremism
7. Why Did the WTA Risk Everything for Peng Shuai?
8. The U.S. Pursued Professors Working With China. Cases Are Faltering.
9. Chinese spies have penetrated Taiwan’s military, case documents reveal
10. Xi Jinping has been taking on China’s capitalists. Here’s why that will change in 2022
11. Vehicle for State reauthorization leaves some policy goals behind
12. China’s PLA Is a Peasant Army No More
13. Two Things the 2022 NDAA Got Wrong
14. CCP Paid DC Radio Station $4.4 Million To Broadcast Propaganda
15. Global Democracy Is Doing Fine. U.S. Democracy Is in Trouble.
16. Female ex-pilot in Afghan military surfaces in US, defying rumors that she had been killed
17. The Changing Face of Russian Counter-Irregular Warfare
18. Getting Oversight Right: Lessons from Fort Hood and West Point’s Gender Integration
19. FDD | EPA Misses Mark With Proposed Cybersecurity Standard
20. Stick to status quo on Jerusalem consulate
21. The Slow Meltdown of the Chinese Economy
22. Biden’s Ravens: Leaders to Watch in 2022
23. Ignore Xi Jinping’s Deceptions. China Is Struggling

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea’s military staging wintertime drills, S. Korea says
2. Behind the Korean Peninsula “Arms Race”
3. N. Korean leader 3rd most searched politician online in 2021: data
4. S. Korea, China to hold high-level strategic talks this week
5. IFRC allocates $1.2 mln to help N. Korea fight against COVID-19
6. North Korea keeps mum on callouts of human rights violations
7. Taiwan protests Korea’s canceled invitation to minister
8. The case for nuclear armament (South Korea)
9. Even With Omicron, North Korea Still Claims No Coronavirus Cases
10. Video messages from separated relatives still waiting to be delivered in North Korea
11. Joint Letter to South Korea’s National Assembly Calling For the Immediate Passage of a Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Law
12. Promised new homes don’t materialize for retired North Korean soldiers
13. Ten Years On: What to Make of Kim Jong-un’s Long March to Power?
14. The Obama Administration Discussed Sending Steve Kerr To North Korea To Meet With Kim Jong-un
15. First Two Episodes Of ‘Snowdrop’ Do Not Alleviate Viewer Concerns

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