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9/6/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

09.06.2021 at 04:01pm

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National Security News Content:

1. Inside Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan: Warnings, Doubts but Little Change
2. U.S. Embassy contractors, visa applicants among Afghans left behind after one of the largest airlifts in history
3. Report: Army official’s secret texts said, ‘We’re f-ing abandoning Americans,’ as US withdrew from Afghanistan
4. Corporate boards, consulting, speaking fees: How U.S. generals thrived after Afghanistan
5. The Appeal of Covert Action: Psychology and the Future of Irregular Warfare
6. State Department Press Briefing – September 2, 2021
7. As they did on the battlefield, the Taliban outlasted the U.S. at the negotiating table
8. Taliban say U.N. promises aid after meeting with officials in Kabul
9. How a Long Island Man Became the ‘Forrest Gump of Jihad’—and Then Flipped
10. American Spies Are Fighting the Last War, Again
11. Assessing Shortcomings of the U.S. Approach for Addressing Conflict Below the Threshold of War
12. Afghanistan: ‘Everyone got it wrong’ on Taliban takeover – armed forces chief
13. The Afghanistan Meltdown Proves Vietnam Taught Us Nothing
14. OPINION | RICHARD MASON: A smarter way to dominate enemies
15. Ritchie Boys: The secret U.S. unit bolstered by German-born Jews that helped the Allies beat Hitler

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. Defense Bill Drops Commitment to Troop Numbers in Korea
2. Five Eyes invitation may come with costs
3. Global Hawk flies over Korean Peninsula skies anew
4. S. Korea to continue efforts to improve relations with N.K. on occasion of major anniversaries
5. North Korean contract manufacturing companies in Sinuiju are increasingly shutting down
6. South keeps eye on North ahead of possible SLBM unveiling
7. N.K. paper stresses effective land management as top economic policy priority
8. Chinese FM to visit S. Korea for talks on bilateral relations, N. Korea: sources
9. Pakistan-North Korea’s ‘unholy alliance’ breeds doubt with thermal power plants near nuclear sites
10. North calls U.S. ‘destroyer of human rights’ after Afghanistan pullout
11. As Afghan Refugee Crisis Unfolds, Survivors Recall ‘Miracle’ Evacuation
12. The Afghan Effect: U.S. Afghan Withdrawal to Accelerate Alliance Change
13. What Happens When You Have Too Many Nuclear Cooks in the Kitchen
14. Christians in North Korea face torture, execution by firing squad: USCIRF report
15. Kim Jong-Un Demands ‘Urgent Action’ On Climate Change
16. South Korea – Container ship orders hits record amid soaring shipping fees

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