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5/25/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

05.25.2020 at 04:18pm

1. Kim Jong-un Moves to Increase North Korea’s Nuclear Strength

2. Kim Jong-un Promotes Nuclear Officials

3. New submarine or SLBMs likely next options for N.K. to claim enhanced nuke deterrence: experts

4. Kim Jong Un lectures on importance of enhancing nuclear capabilities

5.  U.S. official renews calls for N.K. to abandon nukes after its party meeting on nuke deterrence

6. Kim Jong Un’s renewed threat with operation of loaded nuclear weapons

7. Question: What Direction Do You See U.S.-North Korea Relations Heading in For the Rest of the Year?

8. Former ‘comfort woman’ calls for justice for former civic group head, ‘accurate’ history education for students of S. Korea, Japan

9. Moon’s inter-Korean initiative put to test

10. Why Seoul must not let Pyongyang off the hook for past aggressions

11.  S. Korea striving to break club-linked transmission chain

12. Korea braces for more Covid cases in the classroom

13. Current level of daily infections containable under quarantine system: Moon

14. KDVA “I Know a Korean War Veteran” Campaign Stories- The Champoux Family Story


1. Kim Jong-un Moves to Increase North Korea’s Nuclear Strength

The New York Times · by Choe Sang-Hun · May 24, 2020

Internal and external messaging here.  Clearly we interpret this as a message to us. Kim Jong-un has no intention of denuclearizing but instead will continue his blackmail diplomacy – the use of provocations and increased tension to gain political and economic concessions.  He is sending a message to President Trump that he provided all the political benefit to president Trump (no nuclear or ICBM testing and President Trump has been able to tout that as a success in his reelection campaign.  However, Kim Jong-un has received no political benefit from his 3 meetings with President Trump because he has failed to get sanctions relief.  Kim may be sending the message do not use me as a campaign prop.

However, there is a lot of internal messaging here.  It is about countering the pressure he is under for failing to get sanctions relief.  He is reinforcing the importance of the nuclear program for deterrence to counter the frustration of the elite, the military, and the people for their sacrifices to develop nuclear weapons.  Their sacrifices have not paid off and resulted in any tangible benefits, e.g., sanctions relief.  Second, it appears to be an effort to reinforce Military First Politics or Songun also to sustain military support.  We should keep in mind Songun was never eliminated or replaced even with the establishment of Byunjin – the simultaneous development of nuclear weapons and the economy.  The military always has been and always will be key to regime survival.  The promotion of those involved with the nuclear program is a sign of not only importance of the program but Kim’s commitment to never give it up (an internal and external message).

2. Kim Jong-un Promotes Nuclear Officials

The importance of the nuclear program and Songun (Military First Politics).

3. New submarine or SLBMs likely next options for N.K. to claim enhanced nuke deterrence: experts · by 오석민 · May 25, 2020

This would be logical.  The north would want a “second strike” capability to enhance nuclear deterrence.  However, I am sure the ROK and US navy’s have long bee anticipating this and I would guess we have our enhanced anti-submarine warfare capabilities in the region prepared to deal with this threat.  And I would bet we have every sub pen, to include the underground ones already dialed in by the targeteers with the right ordnance to destroy them.  Kim should know this and know that whatever action he takes and capability he develops the combined ROK and US military have the capabilities to counter them.  So keep on wasting the resources that could otherwise go to feeding and taking care of the Korean people living in the north.  Of course Kim does not care about those people, only the elite, the military and himself.

4. Kim Jong Un lectures on importance of enhancing nuclear capabilities, Posted May. 25, 2020 07:46, Updated May. 25, 2020 07:46

Imagine sitting through a Kim Jong-un lecture – keeping your eyes open and not slumping in your chair, while pretending to take copious note (which is probably the best coping mechanism to prevent falling asleep and being hauled out of the lecture to be executed.

North Korean nuclear deterrence theory in a nutshell:  The US will not attack another country armed with nuclear weapons; therefore, north Korea must have nuclear weapons to deter the US and survive.  I wonder how long it takes to lecture about that?

Hmmm… does concealing the “mission maps” really lower the threat level?

5.  U.S. official renews calls for N.K. to abandon nukes after its party meeting on nuke deterrence · by 송상호 · May 25, 2020

NSA O’Brien is correct.  Say what you will about the President’s unconventional, experimental, top-down, pen-pal diplomacy, the burden for negotiation lies on Kim jong-un’s shoulders. He is the one who has not allowed substantive working level negotiations.  The US is committed to negotiating the denuclearization of north Korea and if Kim makes the right strategic decision the US is committed to a brighter future for the north.  Unfortunately in Kim’s calculus this is a dual threat.  Giving up his nuclear program is a threat to his survival and the brighter future implies economic development and opening which means information flow into north Korea.  We should always keep in mind Dr. Jung Pak’s most important question: Who does Kim Jongun fear more?  The US or the Korean people living in the north?  It is the Korea people especially when they are armed with information.

6. Kim Jong Un’s renewed threat with operation of loaded nuclear weapons Posted May. 25, 2020 07:45, Updated May. 25, 2020 07:45

The other key point is Kim Jong-un does not want to be sidelined or marginalized among the coronavirus pandemic (with South Korea success on the global stage) and the escalating China-US “competition.”   Kim is letting us all know he is still here and a formidable threat (in his mind).

7. Question: What Direction Do You See U.S.-North Korea Relations Heading in For the Rest of the Year?

The National Interest · by Lucia Husenicová · May 24, 2020

I still think this is wrong.  north Korea issues, even another summit with Kim Jong-un, are unlikely to have a significant impact on the November election.  Unless we go to war I do not think north Korea will influence voters.  Sure, the Republic base will be reinforced, but independent and Democratic votes will not be changed by a Summit.  Even an october surprise of a missile or nuclear test will not change votes.  So I think it is very important to communicate that to Kim Jong-un.  He is just not that important and he will not have any significant influence.  So he should stay home, shut up and color like a good little boy.

8. Former ‘comfort woman’ calls for justice for former civic group head, ‘accurate’ history education for students of S. Korea, Japan · by 우재연 · May 25, 2020

These women continued to be victimized even by their countrymen (or in this case countrywoman).  I hope they get justice.

9. Moon’s inter-Korean initiative put to test

The Korea Times · May 25, 2020

With all due respect to President Moon I think there are two problems.  On the one hand it appears that President Moon “wants it” more than Kim.  And because of that Kim senses that he can exploit the situation at the time of his choosing through execution of political warfare in support of his long con.

On the other hand, and many of those who are critics of President Moon and his vision toward north Korea will vehemently disagree with this, Kim may fear President Moon’s desire for engagement because it is perceived to be designed to undermine Kim and his regime. I am saying this could be how Kim views it.  Any type of engagement can be detrimental to the regime.  President Moon may not intend this (and very likely he does not) but from Kim’s perspective that may be what he believes is intended.  The bottomline is whether intentional or not engagement is a threat.  Perhaps those who really want to bring down the regime and cause collapse should reconsider the maximum pressure campaign and lift sanctions.  I actually think those who want to sustain maximum pressure really do want to make diplomacy work. It is that they know that providing concessions will not cause Kim to negotiation but will instead embolden his blackmail diplomacy.  And those who think there should be maximum engagement would argue they do not want collapse but instead only to entice Kim to negotiate.  But we have many years of evidence of providing concessions with no change in north Korean behavior.  Which is why I advocate we conduct our superior form of political warfare to achieve our objectives in the long term.

10. Why Seoul must not let Pyongyang off the hook for past aggressions · by View more articles by Jumin Lee · May 25, 2020

11.  S. Korea striving to break club-linked transmission chain · by 주경돈 · May 25, 2020

This is incident shows the danger and complexity of community transmission. And it also illustrates the damage one selfish idiot can do.

While we all demand liberty, e.g., the freedom from tyranny, that does not give people to the freedom to do what the want – You do not have the freedom to infect others.  This is the fundamental argue freedom from versus freedom to.  I hope the Korean authorities can eventually hold this person accountable for his actions.

12. Korea braces for more Covid cases in the classroom · by Mitch Shin · May 25, 2020

We need to watch and learn.

13. Current level of daily infections containable under quarantine system: Moon · by 박보람 · May 25, 2020

14. KDVA “I Know a Korean War Veteran” Campaign Stories- The Champoux Family Story



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