GAO: DoD, State Dept. Must Improve Oversight of Human Rights Training for Foreign Militaries | Small Wars Journal by Arizona State University GAO: DoD, State Dept. Must Improve Oversight of Human Rights Training for Foreign Militaries | Small Wars Journal by Arizona State University
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GAO: DoD, State Dept. Must Improve Oversight of Human Rights Training for Foreign Militaries

08.16.2019 at 04:17am

GAO: DoD, State Dept. Must Improve Oversight of Human Rights Training for Foreign Militaries by Richard Sisk –

The Defense and State Departments have yet to evaluate whether the millions spent on training programs for foreign militaries and police to protect human rights are having any effect, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

In a report released Monday, the GAO said that the DoD and State Department share responsibility for programs aimed at allied and partner foreign security forces, but neither has “evaluated the effectiveness of their human rights training.”

In addition, they “are unable to provide a comprehensive accounting of the full array of human rights training they support,” although the demand for such training from foreign militaries and law enforcement is increasing, the report states.

It notes that advancing human rights and the rule of law worldwide are primary goals of U.S. foreign policy that could be promoted by training programs for foreign troops and police…

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