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Defining Army Core Competencies for the 21st Century

07.06.2011 at 03:14am

Defining Army Core Competencies for the 21st Century by Lieutenant General Robert L. Caslen Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Steve Leonard, Army. From the introduction:

“After nearly a decade of war, our Army is emerging as a leaner, more decisive force with unique expeditionary and campaign capabilities shaped through a historic period of persistent conflict. At the same time, the effects of globalization and emerging economic and political powers are fundamentally reshaping the global order against a backdrop of mounting competition for shrinking natural resources amid accelerating population growth and climate change.”

“This rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive strategic security environment has given rise to the manifestation of hybrid threats—combinations of decentralized and syndicated irregular, terrorist and criminal groups that possess capabilities once considered the sole purview of nation-states. As these threats become progressively indistinguishable from one another, our understanding of, and ability to master, full spectrum operations will become the central foundational element to our future success.”

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