National Military Academy of Afghanistan Graduation Ceremony and Transition
I thought I’d share a summary from today’s National Military Academy of Afghanistan Graduation Ceremony for Class 1389 (solar year) where President Hamid Karzai publicly announced the way forward for transition and the Afghan Army welcomed its 299 newest officers before an audience of over 100 dignitaries, 100 coalition partners and 2000 members of the Afghan National Army and Police, plus hundreds of members of the Afghan and international media.
President Karzai, as the graduation keynote speaker, used the venue to announce his transition plan. The governors of the first provinces that will undergo transition were present to hear President Karzai’s remarks as well as to congratulate the newly commissioned lieutenants…was especially encouraging to see the top 15 Cadets from the NMAA graduating class receive their diplomas and personal congratulations from President Karzai.
Here are some of the key points from President Karzai’s address:
Reinforcing the critical nature of preventing civilian casualties, President Karzai stated: “The Afghan people may support the international community’s presence in Afghanistan, but safeguarding the Afghans’ lives, ending civilian casualties, fundamentally strengthening the government and the dissolution of parallel structures and activities are the basic conditions for the continuation of relations between us, America and NATO.”
President Karzai also said America and NATO are responsible for fully training and equipping the Afghan forces by the end of 2014. “I know that we are still away from the target, and I also believe that the international community will continue to cooperate and assist the Afghans in other forms. However, changes will certainly be brought to this cooperation and assistance. In addition to accomplishing the transition process, the US and NATO responsibility will be limited to training and equipping the Afghan forces and providing financial assistance.”
President Karzai also announced the names of provinces and cities where security will be handed over to the Afghan security forces from NATO troops in mid June this year. He said: “Afghanistan will take over complete responsibility for security in the following areas from Saratan [22 June] of the current year. The responsibility for security of Kabul except for its Surobi district, Panjsher Province, Bamiyan Province, Herat city except for its districts, Lashkar Gah city, the capital of Helmand Province, Mazar-e Sharif, the capital of Balkh Province and Mehtarlam, the capital of Laghman Province. This transition process will expand from the center of provinces to the districts.”
He followed by saying: “Transition means defending the country, ensuring security and implementing development projects. It also means the Afghans will carry out all affairs such as ensuring security, implementing reconstruction projects and taking over responsibility for providing governance in all zones and meeting the patriotic Afghans’ wish and demands.”
I have linked a summary of his as delivered remarks along with a storyboard from the event and several high quality photos from the graduation activities. In addition, you can see more photos, watch the video and read more about the event at
It was incredibly inspiring to see President Karzai not only formally announce the transition plan, but also to see him charge the graduates representing some of Afghanistan’s brightest and boldest young men with the responsibility of providing security for the nation and bringing peace to the people of Afghanistan.
Dr. Jack Kem