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Bing West’s “The Wrong War,” on Afghanistan Strategy

03.06.2011 at 10:02pm

Bing West’s “The Wrong War,” on Afghanistan StrategyWashington Post book review by Chris Bray. BLUF: “… West ends his descriptive and analytical narrative with prescription, in a chapter titled ‘The Way Out.’ Some of the solutions he offers here raise more questions than they answer, such as his observation that the availability of sanctuary in Pakistan makes it impossible to defeat an enemy that can leave Afghanistan to survive and regroup. This is true and widely acknowledged, but West joins the rest of us in having no particular answer to the dilemma. Most important, though, West argues for Afghans to assume the lead in securing Afghanistan. The time has surely come to take that suggestion – and the book in which it appears – seriously.”

Also see Small Wars Journal editor Mike Few’s The Wrong War: Grit, Strategy, and the Way Out of Afghanistan: An Interview with Bing West.

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