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Slow Burn

10.07.2009 at 09:52pm

The following quote has been getting under my skin since I first read it. Here at the Washington Post. It really has – It stinks to high heaven – and it is disturbing to say the least- at least to me – tell me why I am wrong on this – why an inside the Beltway puke can spit on the boots of an on the ground assessment? Ex has commented on it as others have – so sue me if I too can call this unnamed source an ass of the first order – nay – a too-smart-for-his-or-hers-britches-who-does-not-know-shit-from-shineola-of-the-first-order.

But White House officials are resisting McChrystal’s call for urgency, which he underscored Thursday during a speech in London, and questioning important elements of his assessment, which calls for a vast expansion of an increasingly unpopular war. One senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the meeting, said, “A lot of assumptions — and I don’t want to say myths, but a lot of assumptions – were exposed to the light of day.”

Hey senior admin official – I’d like to take you outside for a talking to – yea – that’s the ticket.

Yes, I know — there you go again Dave — a SWJ guy who does not post much concerning his personal opinions — doing just that. That said, Gen McChrystal and his assembled group provided us ground truth on the situation in Afghanistan and by extension Pakistan. I for one am glad he has been pressing this assessment in the mainstream news media. Ground truth trumps all and the average Joe should be just as informed as the senior admin official.

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