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Readers’ Picks

09.26.2009 at 04:42pm

Two items recommended via e-mail by SWJ readers this morning:

Troops In Afghanistan Keep Nightmare At Bay – Scott Simon, National Public Radio (text and audio).

It was the crime of al-Qaida terrorists, whom the Taliban let use Afghanistan, that brought the US and NATO there. But even if al-Qaida now hides in the hills of Pakistan, for many of us who saw the Taliban’s brutal and bloody abuse of their own people, it would seem another crime to let such murderers take power again.

US Forces Move Into Central Afghan City – Kevin Maurer, Associated Press.

The event showed how these dozen Special Force soldiers have joined in the daily life of the town’s 95,000 residents since they moved in a month ago. The team is among only a few US troops to live in the midst of Afghans, but there will likely be more. The hope is to push Special Forces teams into villages throughout Afghanistan, giving them the mission of rebuilding and training Afghan police and soldiers.

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