Have Your Say on UK Strategy and Defence Policy
UK Strategy and Defence Policy, Where Should it Go? Have Your Say – David Betz, Kings of War.
As many of you will know the UK MoD is at work now on the preparation of a Green Paper leading up to a full (and overdue) defence review next year. We have been discussing many of the key issues in British strategy here on this blog for two years already. I think it speaks well of the informed and thoughtful KOW readership that the MoD Strategy Unit is now reaching out to this little corner of the defence blogosphere to engage with us on such matters. Below I am posting a note from Vincent Devine, who heads the Strategy Unit, which is intended to kick off a debate here on these pages on issues of mutual concern. I am personally chuffed that we have been asked. More importantly, I welcome the spirit of openness to debate and alternative views which the gesture represents. Across the pond they have been better at this, see The Army Needs Your Help, for instance, and I think they have realized better policy and strategy in the doing. I could quote a bunch of clichés here about ‘sunlight being the best detergent’, or ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ but, really, it’s self-evident isn’t it? Here in the UK we’ve ground to make up and not a lot of time and resource to waste and so I find this development highly encouraging.
Before I yield the ‘floor’ (as it were) to the Strategy Unit I’d like to affirm that neither I, let alone KOW corporately, are endorsing any of the views which the Strategy Unit may present; indeed, that would defeat the point of the exercise. Reader, be as critical as you like in the comments…
More at Kings of War.