More cultural awareness a click away?
Think cultural awareness is important? Most of us here do, that’s fairly
non-controversial. The operative issue is how at hand is how do you get more of
what we (almost) all agree is needed?
Calling all testers for the Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer. Info on
here. Opportunity to weigh in on it here:
review the thread (anyone can do that) and, if interested,
Private Messagee to SWC member Nichols (must be
registered and
logged in to SWC to do that) to get a crack at influencing this effort while it
is still at the ground floor. The effort will be conducted outside of SWJ,
we’re just a conduit for connecting up folks with something to say about the
Reviewers should have ~4 hours to dive in to the web-based trainer sometime
in the next ~10 days..
This is an opportunity to get off the sidelines.