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When he’s right, he’s right…

07.13.2009 at 03:04pm

Jules Crittenden of Forward Movement e-mails:

OK, I’m confused. I thought that was what they were supposed to be doing. I’m pretty sure that’s what Bill Clinton had in mind when he was lobbing cruise missiles onto assorted patches of desert and rocky crags in Afghanistan. I know that is pretty much was George Bush was talking about with his “dead or alive” speech. In fact, when the U.S. military blew up Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the CIA started lobbing Hellfires into Yemen and Waziristan, I thought that was the basic idea.

Of course he’s talking about the big hush-hush secret that the United States plotted to kill AQ leaders as reported in today’s Wall Street Journal. Go figure…

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