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This Isn’t About You

05.14.2009 at 05:22pm

The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education

By Craig M. Mullaney

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty Seconds’ worth of distance, run,

Yours is the Earth and everything in it,

And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!

–Rudyard Kipling, “If”

This Isn’t About You – Craig M. Mullaney, Vanity Fair.

“Having served as a platoon leader in the Afghanistan war, Craig M. Mullaney—an Obama-administration adviser and author of the new best-seller The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education—understood full well the dangers that his younger brother, Gary, would face when he deployed to Baghdad. Watching from the audience at Gary’s Ranger School graduation, Mullaney reflected on his own experiences, and lessons learned, during three rigorous months of training.”

Much more at Vanity Fair.

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