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McKiernan, McChrystal, SOF & SF vs. GPF, SOF vs. SF, AF, IW, COIN…

05.12.2009 at 02:45pm

McKiernan, McChrystal, SOF & SF vs. GPF, SOF vs. SF, AF, IW, COIN… – Join the discussion on the Small Wars Council.

If the SF are the solution, why is it that one of primary LOO – develop indigenous capacity, has, for the most part been filled by a ‘heinz variety’ of elements from across the US services, rather than SF? (For god’s sake, in Basra during Charge of the Knights I met a Navy O6 nuclear dude on a MiTT task …). Why is the JCISFA at Leavenworth largely a big army org?

Discuss at the Council.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ADM Michael Mullen speak to reporters at the Pentagon.

Also see the transcript of the press conference with Secretary Gates and Adm. Mullen on leadership changes in Afghanistan.

Also, more by:

Ex at Abu Muqawama

Ex (again) at The Argument

Fred at Slate

Tom at The Weekly Standard Blog

Richard at Belmont Club

James at Outside the Beltway

Jules at Forward Movment

Herschel at The Captian’s Journal

Noah at Danger Room

Robert at Westhawk

Judah at World Politics Review

Joshua at Registan

Laura at The Cable

Tom R. at Best Defense

Tom B. at Thomas P.M. Barnett

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