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2009 Joint Warfighting Conference Addresses Key Themes of Building a Balanced Joint Force

04.29.2009 at 10:34pm


April 29, 2009

2009 Joint Warfighting Conference Addresses Key Themes of Building a Balanced Joint Force

Norfolk, Va. — U. S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) will address the theme of Building a Balanced Joint Force: How Best to Meet the Demands of the Future Security Environment,” during the 2009 Joint Warfighting Conference from May 12-14, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, Va.

USJFCOM Commander Marine Gen. James N. Mattis will deliver opening remarks, and USJFCOM Deputy Commander Vice Adm. Robert S. Bob” Harward will participate on a panel Tuesday, May 12, to provide insights about hybrid warfare and its impacts on the future of joint warfare.

The conference also will focus on two recently released military documents — the Joint Operating Environment (JOE) and the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO).

The JOE lays out the problem statement and sets demand signals for future challenges, and the CCJO, signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, articulates his vision for how the future Joint Force will operate to address the challenges and meet the demands of future operating environments.

For current conference information and to register for the Joint Warfighting Conference, go to our registration site. Registration is free and open to the public.

During the conference, senior leaders from the Joint Warfighting Center, the Joint Center for Operational Analysis, Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Directorate as well as many others will be available to discuss individual programs and subjects of interest.

For those who will not be in attendance USJFCOM will provide “liveblogs” on both the command’s website and USJFCOM’s Twitter channel.

Interested media should contact Kathleen Jabs at the USJFCOM Public Affairs Media Section (757) 836-6553 or via e-mail and LCDR Rob Lyon, USJFCOM Media Operations Officer, at (757) 836-6559 or via e-mail.

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