Think Again: Counterinsurgency and Piracy
Colonel Gian Gentile has a new piece up at Foreign Policy entitled Think Again: Counterinsurgency continuing his theme on why the U.S. Army’s focus on nation-building at the expense of warfighting is misguided and dangerous.
The bottom line for Gian:
“The U.S. military is still too focused on conventional warfare.” – Absolutely not.
“Small wars are the wars of the future.” – Perhaps.
“The surge worked in Iraq.” – Not quite.
“General Petraeus is a military genius.” – Time will tell.
“The military should embrace nation-building.” – If those are the orders.
More at Foreign Policy.
Derek S. Reveron writes in FP – Think Again: Pirates – more than 20 countries are joining a special U.S.-led naval force to combat pirates off the coast of Somalia. But it won’t be warships that defeat these modern-day sea dogs.
Derek’s bottom line is:
“Piracy Is Making a Comeback” – No, it never went away.
“Pirates Are Terrorists” – Not yet.
“Pirates Are Terrorists” – Wrong.
“If Captured, Pirates Could Easily Be Tried for Their Crimes” – Guess again.
“The World Needs a War on Piracy” – Absolutely not.
More at Foreign Policy.