Gates Staying at Defense (Update # 2)
From Mike Allen at Politico: Defense Secretary Robert Gates has agreed to stay on… according to officials in both parties. Obama plans to announce a national-security team early next week that includes Gates at the Pentagon, Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and retired Marine General James Jones as National Security Adviser.
Christmas Comes Early for SWJ – Airforce Amazons
Our original take on this issue – Shortest, but Most Important SWJ Post to Date.
Obama’s Picks – Max Boot at Commentary’s Contentions
As someone who was skeptical of Obama’s moderate posturing during the campaign, I have to admit that I am gobsmacked by these appointments , most of which could just as easily have come from a President McCain…
… Combined with the moderation of the economic team that Obama has just named, I would say his administration already far exceeds expectations, and he hasn’t even taken office yet.
The real test, of course, will be seeing how this all-star lineup deals with real-world crises…
Gates to Stay? – Blake Hounshell at Foreign Policy’s Passport
Assuming the Gates reappointment, at least, is for real, I think it’s a great move. The military is extremely wary of Obama, and keeping Gates will assuage many that their new commander-in-chief is hardly some kind of closet radical — to say nothing of the fact that Gates has done a great job managing Iraq and sending useful signals about US intentions to Iran. Having him oversee the delicate process of winding down the US presence in Iraq and cranking up the war effort in Afghanistan will be key. This is a lack of change I can believe in.
Victory in our Time – Abu Muqawama
Keeping Gates Signals Change – Fly on the Wall
Meet the New Boss… – Wired’s Danger Room
Gates Said To Be Near A Deal to Keep Post – Washington Post
Obama Plans to Retain Gates at Defense Department – New York Times
Gates Agrees to Stay on at Defense Post if Asked – Washington Times
Secretary of Defense Gates to stay on in Obama Cabinet – Los Angeles Times
Gates to Reportedly Stay on as Pentagon Chief – Voice of America
Bush’s Defence Secretary to Stay on at Pentagon – The Times
Gates to Stay on in Obama Administration – Daily Telegraph
Official: Obama asks Gates to stay at Pentagon – Associated Press
Gates Staying on as Defense Chief – Boston Globe
Gates ‘to Stay as Pentagon Chief’ – BBC News
Gates Said to Stay on at Pentagon in Obama Presidency – Bloomberg
Gates to Stay as US Defense Secretary – Reuters
Update # 2:
A Keeper at the Pentagon – Washington Post editorial
In selecting nominees for his Cabinet and a new White House staff, President-elect Barack Obama has so far placed an admirable emphasis on proven competence over personal loyalty or political purity. He’s been pragmatic in choosing pragmatists but also bold in his willingness to enlist formidable personalities such as Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff and (reportedly) Hillary Clinton for secretary of state. Now, according to The Post and other media, Mr. Obama is close to settling on another unconventional but supremely practical pick: Robert M. Gates as defense secretary. We hereby join what undoubtedly will be the large chorus that hails this choice…
More at The Washington Post.
Obama’s War Cabinet – Wall Street Journal editorial
If reports are correct, on Monday the President-elect will ask Robert Gates to stay on as Secretary of Defense and name retired Marine General James Jones as National Security Adviser. These are the Administration posts most critical to the successful conduct of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to possible entanglements with Iran, North Korea and who knows who else. With these personnel picks, Mr. Obama reveals a bias for competence, experience and continuity. Hence the caterwauls from his left flank…
More at The Wall Street Journal.
Continuity in Wartime Behind Obama’s Decision on Gates – Gordon Lubold, Christian Science Monitor
An incoming administration rarely retains cabinet members of the outgoing administration, but President-elect Obama’s apparent decision to keep Defense Secretary Robert Gates may reflect the extraordinary issues confronting the new president. Mr. Obama is expected to announce early next week that he will keep Mr. Gates on for as long as a year, in part to maintain continuity during the first wartime transition in 40 years. Any drawbacks in keeping Gates are more than countered by the pluses, say experts…
More at The Christian Science Monitor.
Vulnerable Moment for National Security – Miami Herald editorial
Some months ago, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for a quick and smooth transition period to lessen the nation’s exposure to a potential attack at a vulnerable moment. Alluding to the danger, he said, ”It’s important for us to get as many principals in positions as rapidly as possible in a time of war.” Apparently, President-elect Barack Obama believes it’s a warning worth heeding…
More at The Miami Herald.