Insurgency and Counterinsurgency—What are they?
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency—What are they?
LTC John M. Paganini
Director, US Army Counterinsurgency Center
On 9 January Small Wars Journal published an article entitled “A Rose By Any Other Name.” MAJ Michael Coote argued that the current definitions of insurgency found in military doctrinal publications are inadequate. The US Army Counterinsurgency Center and the USMC Center for Irregular Warfare Integration Division currently are revising FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5, Counterinsurgency, otherwise known as the Counterinsurgency manual. As part of the revision, we are drafting an issue paper on whether the definitions of insurgency and counterinsurgency found in the current manual, the joint and DoD dictionaries, and the US Government COIN Guide are adequate.
Counterinsurgency doctrine will be effective only if based upon an agreed upon definition. That definition can neither be so broad as to dilute the solution and, thus, allow for mission creep, nor can it be so narrow that it restricts our national civilian and military response to crises.
I encourage all readers of Small Wars Journal to provide what they consider to be better definitions. It is essential when recommending alternatives that your rationale for the changes be explained in as much depth as possible. You can also comment directly on this topic by responding to the questionnaire posted on our website Question 3 specifically addresses the definition issue. We look forward to your suggestions.