Small Wars Journal

human domain

SOF Experience with Linguists - Understanding and Navigating the Human Domain

Mike Kershner, Andrew Milburn, and Dave Maxwell held a discussion about language, culture, and Special Operations. "SOF Experience with Linguists - Understanding and Navigating the Human Domain" (it begins at about the 5:30 mark and is about 60 minutes in total).



dwmiv Wed, 06/17/2020 - 2:52pm

Operationalizing the Science of the Human Domain in Great Power Competition for Special Operations Forces

Sun, 04/14/2019 - 7:31am
Special Operations Forces (SOF) must continue to build capability and capacity to scientifically understand, accurately interpret and effectively influence human behavior. It is the SOF operator who will be on the ground early, working with an indigenous populace, learning to understand a given situation in order to provide critical context to both civilian and military leadership. SOF must be able to navigate complex social systems and operate at a speed that creates critical decision space while ensuring their actions don’t make matters worse.

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