Small Wars Journal


Fighting in the Phone Booth: An Urban Pivot for the U.S. Army

Wed, 02/26/2020 - 5:59am
The United States Army is training to fight the wrong war. At the tactical level, units are preparing to meet near-peer threats in open terrain. A typical field exercise sees soldiers patrolling the woods or fighting pitched tank battles in the open desert. What you will not see is a rifle squad clearing a city block or practicing urban breaching techniques.

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Army National Guard AMEDD Officer Talent Management

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 12:43am
We will begin our examination of talent management by first examining the philosophy behind this program and how talent management might be best applied to AMEDD Officers of the Army National Guard. Once we gain understanding of the appropriate talent management philosophy, we can further explore how this philosophy could be put into practice.

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The Challenge of Fighting Small Wars While Trying to Adequately Prepare for Big Ones

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 2:51am
Except for the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003, America has been fighting small, counterinsurgency wars since 9-11. This begs the question of whether fighting small wars inhibits or enhances our readiness to transition to large, high-intensity conflicts against peer or near peer competitors? The answer is complicated and somewhat ambiguous.

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Threat Assessment Training for Peacekeepers: A Proven Business Approach

Mon, 06/25/2018 - 6:15am
Peacekeepers need the ability to distinguish threats from the larger population they are meant to protect. Through early identification, preemptive action to a threat can reduce the need to use force, decrease the likelihood that the observer or civilian will suffer injury, and facilitate the protection of human rights.

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In Praise of Failure SWJED Fri, 08/04/2017 - 3:35pm

Failure in training is vital in unconventional and conventional warfare environments. Battalion and higher staff must fail in training and then correct their mistakes.