Small Wars Journal

News Categories

This is a list of all the News Categories in use. The News Main Page displays a subset of these based on the prevailing winds of newsiness, but you can always reach them all here and through some of the sidebar lists. Click on a category below for a listing of all its individual News Items.
Afghanistan (2,165)
Africa (2,461)
Arctic (1)
Asia Pacific (3,513)
Australia (363)
Bosnia (1)
Canada (307)
CBRN (1)
China (2,721)
Drones (12)
Ebola (15)
El Centro (111)
Espionage (442)
Europe (3,797)
Events (85)
Gangs (2)
Gaza (1)
History (70)
IGRC (1)
Iran (1,494)
Iraq (3,154)
IRGC (1)
Israel (1)
Lawfare (169)
Libya (1)
Mexico (5)
NATO (2,869)
NIACs (1)
On War (82)
PLAN (1)
Russia (4,806)
Syria (4,741)
Taiwan (2)
The Hill (234)
UCMJ (1)
US Congress (2,322)
UxS (1)
World (256)
Yeman (1)