Small Wars Journal

Parameters, Winter 2013-14, Now Online

Fri, 01/17/2014 - 6:21pm

Parameters, Winter 2013-14:

Special Commentary

       What the QDR Ought to Say about Landpower by Francis G. Hoffman

American Power in Transition

       The True Tragedy of American Power by Isaiah Wilson

       Redirecting US Diplomacy by James E. Goodby and Ken Weisbrode

       Rebalancing US Military Power by Anna Simons

Fighting Irregular Fighters

       Is the Law of Armed Conflict Outdated? By Sibylle Scheipers

       Defeating Violent Nonstate Actors by Robert J. Bunker

       Confronting Africa's Sobels by Robert L. Feldman and Michel Ben Arrous

Conflict by Other Means

       Waging Financial War by David J. Katz

       The Coming Financial Wars by Juan Zarate

       Economic Statecraft: China in Africa by Douglas W. Winton

Preparing for Netwars

       Repurposing Cyber Command by Frank J. Cilluffo and Joseph R. Clark

Of Note

       A War Examined: Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003 by Kevin C. Benson

Parameters, Winter 2013-14