Small Wars Journal

Iraq on the Eve of Elections

Thu, 03/04/2010 - 3:23pm
Iraq on the Eve of Elections - Marisa Cochrane Sullivan and James Danly, The Institute for the Study of War.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has published a detailed backgrounder on this Sunday's parliamentary elections, Iraq on the Eve of Elections, by Marisa Cochrane Sullivan and James Danly. ISW's 15 page report offers analysis and likely outcomes from two Iraq experts who have written about the region extensively.

"Our report details the precarious position Prime Minister Maliki is in at the moment because he is surrounded by rivals seeking to unseat him," said former U.S. Army officer and ISW Fellow James Danly. "It is likely that this election will be viewed as legitimate but it is the period of government formation that follows the vote which will be messy," Mr. Danly concluded.

"In an emerging democracy like Iraq, the second election is often the most important test for a peaceful transfer of power and the reason why so many are watching this election closely," explained ISW Research Director, Marisa Cochrane Sullivan.Mrs. Cochrane continued, "This publication also highlights the fact that Sunnis, Shi'as and Kurds in Iraq have the opportunity to express their political will via democratic processes rather than through violence."

More at The Institute for the Study.