Small Wars Journal

Georgetown Security Studies Review Volume 4, Number 1, January 2016

Sun, 01/17/2016 - 12:46am

Georgetown Security Studies Review Volume 4, Number 1, January 2016

Table of Contents

Why Greater American-Russian Counter-ISIL Cooperation is

Needed ................................................................................................. 4

Blake Bassett

Secret Evidence and its Legalities in an Evolving World of

Intelligence and Cybersecurity ....................................................... 36

Donna Artusy

Realism, World War I, and the US-China Relationship .............. 51

Abigail Casey

The Russian Counterinsurgency Campaign in Chechnya During

the Second War and Chechenizatsia .............................................. 69

David Sidamonidze

Atlanticist Drift: French Security Policy After de Gaulle ............ 93

Daniel Lim

The Islamic State’s Social Media and Recruitment Strategy:

Papering Over a Flimsy Caliphate ............................................... 120

Ryan Pereira

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