Small Wars Journal

Covert Action in Colombia

Sun, 12/22/2013 - 1:35am

Covert Action in Colombia by Dana Priest, Washington Post.

The 50-year-old Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), once considered the best-funded insurgency in the world, is at its smallest and most vulnerable state in decades, due in part to a CIA covert action program that has helped Colombian forces kill at least two dozen rebel leaders, according to interviews with more than 30 former and current U.S. and Colombian officials.

The secret assistance, which also includes substantial eavesdropping help from the National Security Agency, is funded through a multibillion-dollar black budget. It is not a part of the public $9 billion package of mostly U.S. military aid called Plan Colombia, which began in 2000…

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Categories: El Centro


Another classic Dana Priest article, and like most of her explosive articles along these lines I suspect she has an agenda. Some may recall it was her article(s) that resulted in the Leahy Amendment, which was well intended, but in many ways crippled the ability of the US military to influence bad actors by prohibiting us from engaging with them, which simply pushed them to find other partners that would willingly accept their human rights abuses. In this article I can't tell if she quietly cheering on our ability to do covert operations, or if she is hoping that Congress will respond to this article negatively and further cripple our capability to conduct effective national security operations.