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The War Over COIN (Updated)

09.16.2010 at 05:47pm

The War Over COIN by Max Boot at Commentary’s Contentions. Boot discusses the importance of using counterinsurgency principles in operations and the backlash against COIN in a debate often seen here on the pages of Small Wars Journal. This blog entry cites Dr. Nadia Schadlow’s recent Armed Forces Journal article “A False Dichotomy“. Boot concludes that the COIN debate is a debate well worth having but that we’d better get ready for these types of conflicts because guerrillas and terrorists aren’t going away.

Update: And from “on the scene” at an U.S. Army Unified Quest pre-wargame event, Spencer Ackerman of Wired’s Danger Room writes Army Brains: Kill PowerPoint, ‘Counterinsurgency’. Also by Ackerman on UQ: Army Asks Itself: Shouldn’t We Be Diplomats?

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