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U.K. Strategic Defence and Security Review: More Leaks, More Cuts

08.14.2010 at 12:40pm

The Daily Telegraph (Thomas Harding) reported last week (we are playing catch-up this morning) that the Royal Air Force is to be cut to its smallest size since World War I. The paper has been passed a copy of “detailed proposals” that will see Britain’s Armed Services cut by “16,000 personnel, hundreds of tanks, scores of fighter jets and half a dozen ships”. The proposal would see the “British Army reduced by as much as 40 percent and the Royal Marines transferred from the Navy and assigned to an elite unit that would include the Army’s remaining two parachute battalions”. Greg Grant at Defense Tech is also covering the planned reduction in force as is Captain Hyphen at Kings of War. Hat Tip GrEaT sAtAn’S gIrLfRiEnD via Facebook.

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