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01.16.2009 at 10:30pm

We’ll cut to the quick – here is the new US Government’s Counterinsurgency Guide. More later, been on the road, as has Bill…

Update: Comment, via e-mail, on the new USG COIN Guide by Colonel John Agoglia, Director of the COIN Training Center in Kabul…

Congratulations are in order for all who helped write and publish it. And while a sign of changing times – having DoS, USAID and DoD co-writing and co-signing this document – what would be even more useful is to get many who wrote it out here helping us implement it as we prepare for this upcoming campaign season that will be fraught will challenges as we flow in additional troops, I believe additional DoS and USAID officers would seriously help prepare for the upcoming election here – as our new President’s team gets their feet on the ground. I know as the Director of the COIN Training Center Afghanistan in Kabul I can use and would welcome all the help I could get and I am sure the folks in the Embassy, the various commands and the PRTs would agree!!!!

Congratulations again, but now it’s time to implement the guidance and get this campaign back on track!!

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