Small Wars Journal

12 Myths of 21st Century War

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 2:54pm
Ralph Peters in the November 2007 edition of American Legion Magazine - 12 Myths of 21st Century War. Visit the link for Peters' commentary, plus his reasoning behind each myth.

... Two trends over the past four decades contributed to our national ignorance of the cost, and necessity, of victory. First, the most privileged Americans used the Vietnam War as an excuse to break their tradition of uniformed service.....

Second, we've stripped in-depth U.S. history classes out of our schools.

Myth No. 1: War doesn't change anything.

Myth No. 2: Victory is impossible today.

Myth No. 3: Insurgencies can never be defeated.

Myth No. 4: There's no military solution; only negotiations can solve our problems.

Myth No. 5: When we fight back, we only provoke our enemies.

Myth No. 6: Killing terrorists only turns them into martyrs.

Myth No. 7: If we fight as fiercely as our enemies, we're no better than them.

Myth No. 8: The United States is more hated today than ever before.

Myth No. 9: Our invasion of Iraq created our terrorist problems.

Myth No. 10: If we just leave, the Iraqis will patch up their differences on their own.

Myth No. 11: It's all Israel's fault. Or the popular Washington corollary: "The Saudis are our friends."

Myth No. 12: The Middle East's problems are all America's fault.

... The unprecedented wealth and power of the United States allows us to afford many things denied to human beings throughout history. But we, the people, cannot afford ignorance.

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Kevin de Bruxelles (not verified)

Wed, 10/31/2007 - 5:08am

Since the enduring War on Straw is never finished, I thought I would present some more strawmen to thrash around.

Myth No. 1: Wars always result in decisive decisions.
Myth No. 2: Victory is assured today.
Myth No. 3: Insurgencies can always be defeated because the stronger power always wins.
Myth No. 4: There are only military solutions; negotiations can never solve our problems.
Myth No. 5: When we fight back, we always conquer our enemies.
Myth No. 6: The collateral damage caused while killing terrorists never creates more terrorists.
Myth No. 7: If we torture as fiercely as our enemies, we're better than they are because moral relativism says so.
Myth No. 8: The United States is more loved today than ever before.
Myth No. 9: Our invasion of Iraq solved our terrorist problems.
Myth No. 10: If we just stay, the Iraqis will patch up their differences together with us.
Myth No. 11: It's never Israel's fault. and if it were it would be anti-Semitic to say so.
Myth No. 12: The Middle East's current glowing success is due to America's sage post-WW2 leadership in the region.