Small Wars Journal


Reducing Community Violence in the Central African Republic – The Case of Bria

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 12:40am
Many of Africa's armed conflicts constitute wicked problems. Across parts of the continent, organized violence is fusing political, criminal and extremist motives, explicitly targeting civilians and involving multiple armed groups. In many cases, regional players are involved — profiting from disorder even as they sue for peace. Complicating matters, national and subnational governments suffer from chronic weaknesses, with limited control over their borders and territories. Due to the many security dilemmas arising from competing groups and the corrosive effects of predatory violence, these conflicts are exceedingly difficult to resolve.

About the Author(s)

The Rise of Displacement in Africa

Wed, 08/01/2018 - 12:47am
There are a record number of ongoing conflicts in Africa, pushing millions of people out of their homes. New conflicts are displacing new people while long-standing wars and refugee crises go unresolved. If responses to war and displacement do not improve, mounting problems will destabilize the region further.

About the Author(s)

Democratic Republic of Congo: A Case of Recurring Obstacles SWJED Tue, 07/18/2017 - 8:16pm

Current and prospective investors are fearful of how the situation in the DRC could develop. Instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo has become the norm rather than the exception.