Small Wars Journal

Another Western Intervention in Libya Looms

Sun, 04/03/2016 - 7:52pm

Another Western Intervention in Libya Looms by Missy Ryan and Sudarsan Raghavan, Washington Post

The shaky debut last week of a new unity government in Libya brings Western nations, including the United States, much closer to a renewed military mission there, and to a host of obstacles that will test their ability to secure a nation gripped by Islamist extremism and civil war.

Tensions ran high on Wednesday after Fayez Serraj, a little-known Libyan technocrat selected as prime minister in a United Nations peace process, arrived by boat in Tripoli from Tunisia. Western officials hailed his installation in the Libyan capital as a sign that the country’s two-year political divide is finally coming to an end — despite the existence of rival governments in Tripoli and the country’s east…

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U.S. Special Operations Units Are Using Faulty Rifle Sights

Sun, 04/03/2016 - 7:36pm

U.S. Special Operations Units Are Using Faulty Rifle Sights by Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Washington Post

U.S. Special Operations forces are using rifle sights that are supposed to help shooters accurately hit their targets but instead have a defect, acknowledged by the manufacturer, that potentially endangers the lives of service members in combat, according to court records and military officials.

The U.S. government is aware of the problem and sued the sight’s maker in November for fraud, accusing the company L-3 Communications of covering up a range of issues with the sight, which has been used by every branch of the military, the FBI, the State Department and local law enforcement.

The company quickly settled for $25.6 million…

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