Small Wars Journal

Philippine's President Duterte to US Troops: Leave Mindanao or Abus Will Kill You

Mon, 09/12/2016 - 10:30am

Philippine's President Duterte to US Troops: Leave Mindanao or Abus Will Kill You by Alexis Romero, The Philippine Star

After blasting the US for supposedly interfering with his anti-drug war, President Rodrigo Duterte Monday called for the pullout of American troops in Mindanao as he blamed Washington for the conflict and security threats in the south.

 Duterte said American troops in Mindanao should leave as they are in danger of being abducted by US-hating terrorist group Abu Sayyaf.

 “The special forces, they have to go. They have to go in Mindanao. There are many whites there,” the president said during the oath taking of new appointees Monday in Malacañan.

 “If they see an American, they would kill him.  They would demand ransom then kill him. Even if you’re a black or white American as long as you are an American, (they will kill you),” he added.

 Some US troops have been deployed in Zamboanga City to assist Philippine security forces in its campaign against terrorists. Since the Constitution prohibits foreign troops from engaging in direct combat operations, the US soldiers assist the military through training and information sharing.

“The situation there (in Mindanao) will worsen. If they (Americans) are seen there, they will be killed,” Duterte said...

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